By bloom - 17/12/2008 04:10 - France

Today, during dinner, my new girlfriend's father stroked my leg several times under the table with his bare foot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 219
You deserved it 2 417

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If I someday have a daughter, and I don't like the guy she's seeing, I'm going to do the same thing.

You should say something, being passive seems like a bad idea in your situation.


Was his wife sitting near you? Perhaps he intended to do that to her. otherwise, AWKWARD!

That's really creepy! If your under 18, its certainly considered sexual harassment. If your over 18, it'd be sexual abuse. Confront him and then your girlfriend about this situation!!!

Tlizzle 0

Isn't it the other way around?

Umm... That's sort of creepy, he probibly thought you were his wife with your scrawny legs :P

junkinmahcranium 0

Ew. Dump her. He'd come in while you're having sex and stroke you again! Maybe he has a foot-to-leg fetish. Ew ew ew.

hecuva 0

I think a swift kick to the shins probably would have fixed the problem... Agree with #1 not saying anything just tells him it's ok for him to do it again

Maybe he was trying to get you to run away from the house screaming in terror and never see his daughter again.

bigraws23 0

Maybe you were confused with his wife

indigo_x 0