By sara - 17/09/2009 21:17 - United States

Today, during gym class, my teacher insisted that everyone should relieve some stress by throwing a basketball at the wall. I wound up and hurled the thing at the wall, it bounced back and hit me in the stomach. I began to vomit uncontrollably. Even my teacher laughed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 264
You deserved it 10 468

Same thing different taste


pipsqueak7 7

aw...those jerks! i hope you feel better soon

YDI for trying to play sports. Get back in the kitchen bitch.

mochiko 0

Oh what a surprise! It's a girl insulting me. You know I'm right.

Sexism =/= Cool. Trolling bitches =/= Cool. You = Fucktard.

Pointing and giggling? Sorry, I'm not in kindergarten.

Why not? Did you wander away again while the teacher wasn't looking?

those who can't do, teach. those who can't teach, teach pe.

awww, thats terrible. i hope u feel better. ur teachers an ass. next time, throw the ball at his/her face

You could probably relieve more stress by kicking your PE teacher in the nads.

happyemokid8181 0

Oh...=_( that sucks as many balls as a prostitute... I hope you didn't have lunch near then cuz I wouldn't be able to eat after and if it was before, it wouldn't have been pretty. I hope you puked on the teacher! Dick would deserve it. Remember that peptibismol is your friend..., And to anyone who says that it's only the fat kids who hate gym: YOU'RE STUPID!!!! I know a lot of athletes ( including me ) who hate gym!! So HA!!! SUCK IT!!!

That really super sucks. Lol, leave it to the PE teacher to be a jerk, too. My PE teacher in high school was like that, too.

Right on, mercyFML (yep, i'm a girl).

Gym is shit. For me, anyway. Not fat, but not built like an althlete either. Not everyone who hates gym is a fatty!

anniemeece 23

Same. Anyway OP, that sucks. I can't believe people on here, or your teacher. They seriously laughed when you were in pain and puking? Uh, how is that funny?

Amysbodybetrayal 0

Personally, I hate gym because I very strongly dislike sweat (my sweat, that is, I don't care about anyone else's sweat). I really don't mind breathing hard and working my muscles, but I hate feeling sweaty and hot in all my other classes for the day. If I had a choice, I'd have PE at the last period of the day so I could go straight home instead.