By officework - 24/09/2015 19:09 - Canada - Toronto

Today, during the "What can your manager do to help with your career aspirations?" section of my annual review, my manager basically told me she wouldn't help me and I should quit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 490
You deserved it 1 665

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Most definitely report your manager to HR. If that doesn't help however, then maybe it's time to start looking for something new, OP. Sorry your manager sucks

Blodwast 16

Doesn't seem like a healthy place to work. Start looking for a new job!


Unless she literally said/wrote that down, it's just be better to ignore it and keep going

fangirlofthings 21

It says she wrote it right in the story...

itwasntme14 19

stay on your toes seems like she wants you gone

thats just her way of giving you permission to show less respect for her?

complaint to hr would solve that problem

Tell her that you don't need her help anyways, and don't quit and do shit that makes a difference and shut her up in the future

wow talk about being blunt about disliking you

You don't need his advise ask another co working that that you look up to or ask an adult that you can confide into.

That's not if you had a back up job maybe but I don't believe you do

Yeah, call HR. Especially if they collect these. An old boss of mine told me to lie and say he was doing a great job, because he knew he was a **** up. Pretty sure he was fired soon after.