By officework - 24/09/2015 19:09 - Canada - Toronto

Today, during the "What can your manager do to help with your career aspirations?" section of my annual review, my manager basically told me she wouldn't help me and I should quit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 490
You deserved it 1 665

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Most definitely report your manager to HR. If that doesn't help however, then maybe it's time to start looking for something new, OP. Sorry your manager sucks

Blodwast 16

Doesn't seem like a healthy place to work. Start looking for a new job!


ihavenolifehaha 16
lat187 18
Blodwast 16

Doesn't seem like a healthy place to work. Start looking for a new job!

That's rude. She must be jealous of how far you've gotten without her help, and she's afraid you'll surpass her. Don't let her get to you, I'm sure you're great at what you do!

Most definitely report your manager to HR. If that doesn't help however, then maybe it's time to start looking for something new, OP. Sorry your manager sucks

Yes!!! She was dumb enough to write it down. Take it to HR!

Badkarma4u 17

I love how people on FML have been indoctrinated to believe everyone works for a large enough cpmpany to have an HR dept, whose sole purpose is to keep everyobe politically correct. Not only that, we don't know WHY the manager said that. OP may not perform, or may have a hard time showing up on time. OP's manager may be doing her a favor by letting them find something else before firing them. I have seen a few people where the manager "allowed them to resign" but gave them time to get a job rather than struggle on unemployment.

Spite her by being extra awesome at work!

Symantha23 25

Wow. What a good manager she is...NOT! That's sucks! Sorry OP! Hope everything works out and don't quit!

Well now you know what to put in your annual review : “My manager can't help me with shit because she's as worthless as she thinks I am."