By nic - 01/04/2009 20:06 - United States

Today, for April fools I decided to set off the smoke detectors in my friend's apartment while he was sleeping and saran wrap the outside of his bedroom doorway so he would smack into it. Instead, he jumped out the window and broke his leg. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 741
You deserved it 120 477

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Idk whether to say your friends a moron, or you are.

DaftPyramid 0

Go directly to jail. Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200.


whhaaaaaaatttttttttttttttt...... so the smoke detector goes off ....... its a smoke detecter not a fire detecter he was suppose to loook of there was a real fire ,,, but he just woke up so he wasnt thinking..> i see both sides of the story

my smoke detector needs some heat to go off also. 0.o

Inspired22 11

Funny prank. Why did he jump out the window? Der der der...

I would have laughed my ass off and called my friend a dumb ass if that happened.

Damn lmao... Thats unexpected x] He mustve been pissed (unless he's the type of guy who would laugh at it lol).

you should have known you live with macgyver

f_u_c_kmylife 0

Today, I woke up to my smoke alarm going off. I jumped out the window and broke my leg. It was an April fools prank. FML.

Tick_fml 0

Ok: you're an ass for thinking up that prank without thinking that it might get serious, but he probably didn't need to jump out the window sooo... that makes him an ass too. actually now that i think about it, that's pretty funny LOL.

mylifeisfuckeddd 0

AHAHA # 9 and 35! i agree, watch your back. but not on Arpil fools day...EVERYDAY if some1 did that to me i would get them back 365 days a year...something for everyday