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By Nose Numb - 30/11/2014 20:24 - United States

Today, for the first time ever, my family bought a real Christmas tree instead of using our old fake one. Today, I also found out I'm allergic to Christmas trees. My family won't get rid of it because they paid so much for it and intend to "get their money's worth". FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 338
You deserved it 3 491

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dreamsorrow93 24

Cover it in tin foil in the middle of the night.

What reaction do you get? Hope its nothing serious, I have a lot of allergies too. Huge pains in the ass


Dreamsorrow93 24

Cover it in tin foil in the middle of the night.

badluckalex 23

that would be a little tiring to take on and off every day but seriously, wouldn't that be a hazard because of the lights? what if a wire is sticking out

Murilirum 23

You really think that would have any sort of 'stealth' ?

Ask her to work tirelessly to cover up a thing she is allergic to. Thats good thinking

Well, that would sure foil their plans...

What reaction do you get? Hope its nothing serious, I have a lot of allergies too. Huge pains in the ass

Huge pains in the.... Gotta love the edit timer haha

If it's not a severe allergy that requires medical attention, you'll just have to suck it up and take some allergy medicine. Hopefully you start building some tolerance against the allergens. Good luck OP.

you could always have the tree "stolen". just saying.

Raxal 21

Is there an uncommon room in the house that the tree can be kept in? Otherwise, good luck OP and hopefully your allergies aren't too serious.

The real ones have a reputation for burning very easily, now I'm not suggesting anything but....

I'm just kidding that's actually an awful idea considering you'd probably end up burning your entire house down... In all seriousness though, try reasoning with them a little more. If they see its a serious issue for you I'm sure they'll understand

Well time to use the fake one for now on...even though it is pagan...

eyebrowzzz 21

Bring something they all hate into the house!

Suppose they all secretly hate OP and this is their retaliation?

Just make sure you get THEIR money's worth of brand name allergy meds. Also, there are numerous chemicals that when added to the trees water will turn it brown and have it dropping most of the needles within a week.