By srhoa01 - 05/07/2016 06:42
Same thing different taste
By myfamilyisodd - 15/10/2011 17:05 - United States
By no - 17/11/2014 02:26 - United States
By elly - 08/04/2021 14:00
By Emily - 12/11/2012 18:12 - United States - Hayward
Paul Blurt
By Anonymous - 22/06/2021 16:01
By ThanksChris - 16/10/2011 07:06 - United States
By bettercallpeta - 15/02/2013 05:42 - United States
By mandy - 10/04/2009 15:35 - United States
You're grounded!
By Break A Leg - 08/08/2022 14:00
By Notre_Dame_714 - 08/04/2015 21:17 - United States
Top comments
Isn't that the general rule in the US? Gun violence is much better tolerated than profanity!* * No, I dont really mean this, but feel free to bury me anyway.
Not only that, but shooting school kids with guns is pretty much a national pastime at this point.
Too many kids trying to get their killstreaks irl
No, gun violence is much more acceptable than sexuality. That's our national bias!
Yeah but it was sexual profanity.
I don't think u are paying attention gun policies at schools are so zero- tolerance the kids can be suspended for drawing pictures of guns somebody should have been suspended for having and discharging a firearm at school
A BB gun is nowhere near a firearm
That teacher needs their ass kicked
and #3
Even though you were in pain and it wasn't your fault, you still need to respect the place you're at, in this case the school. Just Imagine if you happen to be at a court house, with a judge and all, and you say **** aloud for whatever justified reason... You'd be in real trouble. So watch your mouth young man!!
Honestly I'm pretty sure it's a reflex if you're like being /shot/. I mean it's a BB gun but still those things hurt like a bitch. Also apparently studies have been done that show swearing helps with pain.
i would still say **** in court lol mainly because i dont give a **** about what people think of me. and i wouldnt just say **** for no reason so there has to be a justifiable reason to say it. in this case it was.
#3 - please tell me you are being sarcastic!
In the event that this exact situation happened in court, I'm pretty sure the attention would be more focused on the armed person shooting people with a BB gun rather than the person swearing
Are you the teacher that wrote OP up? Because no sane human would try to justify her actions.
#3 Are you retarded?
#3 do you think people will care what comes out of their mouth when they're extremely injured. If you got ran over by a semi truck would you be saying o cheese and crackers, or would you be saying holy s**t
you wouldn't be saying anything at least not after you got hit. Maybe the split second before.
At a court house I don't think you would get in trouble because that reason is like you said... JUSTIFIED
Not sure where you live OP, but if you live in the US, that kid could get into serious trouble bringing one of those into school. If you know the kid report him to school security and he should be at least suspended for a while, if not, he'll be dealing with the police.
I think he would probably be expelled and face assault charges. However this guy in my school shoved a pen up someone's ass, (he held it up on his chair and the victim say down on it) causing it to go through his pants and impale his rectum, hospitalizing him. The assailant only got a week suspension and assault charges.
School security? Is that actually a thing?
#41 Yes a lot of middle and high schools have them. Not all do especially the ones in nicer areas because the kids are better but yes school security is a real thing.
******* horse shit, its a bb gun, if you kill someone with a bb gun I'll give you a billion dollars, of course barring pistol whipping
#47 I see. Must be an American thing then, since I haven't heard about it happening in the UK.
10 shots through the eyeball into the brain
Did the teacher not do anything to the bbgun kid? If she didn't, I would be concerned about school shooters
The kid probably shot op with a smaller bb gun, and was able to hide it before the teacher came over. Hopefully the kid just snuck the gun in, instead of bb guns being allowed at op's school.
I don't think even Russian schools would allow BB guns, and according to the Internet those bastards are crazy. Lol
This is where revenge comes in. Sorry op, hope you get him back!
No. Anything involving guns and revenge is best left to the police. Please tell the school OP.
Yea, I can get that being shot in the foot with a plastic thing probably hurt like hell. However, WHY would you yell "****" in a school building!? It's only slightly obvious that a teacher is going to get on your ass for saying that, you know? Sorry buddy, it's probably just a little hypocritical seeming to hear this from someone who swears out the ass but There's a time and there's a place for that shit, school is not one of those places, my dude. On the Internet though? Yea go for it.
BB gun pellets aren't plastic. They are metal. And they can be shot with enough force to kill a squirrel if you're good. So this is a way bigger deal than you seem to think, especially that it seems likely that his foot was shot at very close range
Someone shot my cat with a BB gun before I adopted him (he was a stray) and they are still lodged in his skin around his hips.
Oh shit I got all preachy for nothin Sorry about that folks, bury away
Shoot yourself with a BB gun, you'll probably swear too. And it's metal not plastic, so it probably hurts a lot more than you thought.
You must be really fun at parties
Gun in school? Even if it is a BB gun, toy gun, or any in that relevance should have a zero tolerance, at least in the US. If the kid has metal pellets, they can seriously injure someone then. Go report.
My old high school wouldn't even allow nerf guns on school property.
Yeah what school allows BB guns when most flip out over a questionable t-shirt logo or a utility knife
Why the hell does someone have a bb gun in school!??

Not sure where you live OP, but if you live in the US, that kid could get into serious trouble bringing one of those into school. If you know the kid report him to school security and he should be at least suspended for a while, if not, he'll be dealing with the police.
Did the teacher not do anything to the bbgun kid? If she didn't, I would be concerned about school shooters