By notpayedenoughforthisshit - 21/07/2014 21:15 - United States - Boone

Today, for the third time this week, I had to clean up after someone who pissed themselves in the beer aisle at the grocery store where I work. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 717
You deserved it 3 434

Same thing different taste

Top comments

brettrb 18

That's rough, OP. Crack open one of those beers, you deserve it.


Maybe they got all excited about all the bottles of beer. I think you need a new job

It looks like they had enough to drink already...or they can't think of what to buy and get pissed off literally

Steve95401 49

Thus once again proving the old adage, "You don't buy beer, you rent it."

Omegapi197 12

Sounds like your store has a poor security system.

Don't you have cameras. Catch the person doing it and report him/her to the authorities. 3 times is 3 way too many.

Did u guys get some new beer ? Maybe they pissed themselves cuz they were so excited !!

You're lucky that they didn't get....shitfaced.