By notpayedenoughforthisshit - 21/07/2014 21:15 - United States - Boone

Today, for the third time this week, I had to clean up after someone who pissed themselves in the beer aisle at the grocery store where I work. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 717
You deserved it 3 434

Same thing different taste

Top comments

brettrb 18

That's rough, OP. Crack open one of those beers, you deserve it.


Nice username. That’s what my friends and I say sometimes, and when anyone of us says that, we are like "You don't get paid at all". It's kind of a long story..........(and by "sometimes" I mean "once when we were in a video".....uhhh..........that's also a long story............................)