By ohmygosh - 21/07/2011 23:35 - United States

Today, I accidentally asked a one-armed man which arm he wanted me to take blood from. He asked for a different nurse. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 646
You deserved it 48 669

Same thing different taste

Top comments

supernerd352 7

he couldve over reacted and pulled a gun. good thing he wasn't armed.

jewknowit710 2

*super facepalm* with hypodermic needle you boob


All of the people saying "You Deserve It" think they've never made a stupid mistake before and accidentally offended someone. God forbid someone ELSE should make a mistake. When YOU accidentally say something stupid and offend someone, it's all right. But if someone ELSE does it, they deserve what they got. Maybe you guys should try to be more understanding.

bleedingglitter 24

That's like when a cashier asks "for here or to go" after you have already said to go. It's just reflex after doing the same thing so many times. It's really not a big deal.

If you’ve been asking that all day it becomes a habit.