By ohmygosh - 21/07/2011 23:35 - United States

Today, I accidentally asked a one-armed man which arm he wanted me to take blood from. He asked for a different nurse. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 646
You deserved it 48 669

Same thing different taste

Top comments

supernerd352 7

he couldve over reacted and pulled a gun. good thing he wasn't armed.

jewknowit710 2

*super facepalm* with hypodermic needle you boob


Aww don't feel bad, OP! This was only a work-related habit. Nurses are required to ask that question. Sorry that rubbed him the wrong way... :(

Just by looking at a pt you should be able to tell if they are "missing" an arm...

grovervac3000 15

Is that your way of treating him like everyone else?

Bahaha we've all done it. I'm a lab tech and have asked the same man in my clinic twice.

josidon 3

You shouls have first looked at that man.I mean completely!!!! man you suck

sucks, op :( but seriously, why so many ydi? i mean it's a routine, sure sucks, but i don't think she did it on purpose...

nicholasj96 9

Handicaps usually just laugh off those stupid mistakes that we make, wonder why this one is all butt hurt . They say they wanna be treated normal, right ?

That is kind of a routine thing to say so you probably just said it subconsciously.