By scaryhairy - 04/11/2009 01:44 - United States

Today, I accidentally cut myself with a razor blade on my toe. Not only does it sting really badly, but it reinforces the fact that I have abnormally hairy toes that need to be shaved. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 001
You deserved it 5 185

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jchansfan 0

You really arern't very bright, are you? :P

pancakes_n_syrup 0

Yes, believe it or not women have to shave their toes/feet/armpits/legs/and any other part they feel like shaving, because just like any human we have hair all over our body and we like to get rid of it any way we can


it's no big- most chicks shave their toes/ top of their foot. say you hit your toe on something.

G_thelegend 0

so whats so bad about hair on yourtoes? just shave the others and wait untilit heals, cover it with a bandaid

my big toe hairs are 4 inches long. I can almost wrap them around my toe

MilliIshAwesome 0

you have hair EVERYWHERE on you body except for your lips and the bottoms of your hands and feet. so all the people who are makin a big deal out of it can just shut up cause they have hair on their toes too.

DianaElise10 0

lol I've done that before. and tons of girls have hairy toes

PillowMonster8 0

haha exactly the same with me , I'm probably the whitest girl ever , I have red hair but my etebrows legs armpits toes etc are a dark brown my toes are really that hairy but because I have darker hair I shave them

yeah I'm Puerto Rican and Italian mixed so I shave my toes too! a lot of people do it it's not uncommon!

TrIIckShot 2


It's just a little cut, you're overreacting. Everyone has hair on their toes and I know enough people who shave it, it happens to everyone. A little bit of hair and a tiny cut is not a reason why your life sucks...