By Blackshadows - 07/09/2015 18:08 - United States - Somerset

Today, I accidentally poured milk into my bowl of chips. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 931
You deserved it 8 382

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Justy101 23

Who knows, maybe you've discovered an amazing new breakfast cereal.

Salty milk and soft chips, yum! I hope you didn't waste too many chips, OP :p


Your life is ****** because you accidently dropped milk on your chips? Whoa!

Your think your life is screwed because you accidently put milk on some chips? Whoa!

That's disgusting man. I hope you threw it away

I feel like that's something I would do.

You better not have ruined a perfectly good bowl of hot cheetos.