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By crystalwho - 20/01/2009 21:06 - United States

Today, I went downstairs to grab a snack and a glass of Silk (you know, the soymilk). When I get back to my room, I go to throw the snack on my bed to shut the door, but I tossed with the wrong hand. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 428
You deserved it 24 495

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I've done that.. But I was holding a kitten, and a box of crackers (or cookies or something?) and accidentally tossed the poor kitten onto a pillow on the floor instead of the snacks. She wouldn't come near me for a full hour, and she'd been napping in my lap for several days. :/

CaptSkippy 9

I did that once with garbage and a puppy I accidentally through the garbage out... the damn puppy was still in my hand .-.


I've done that.. But I was holding a kitten, and a box of crackers (or cookies or something?) and accidentally tossed the poor kitten onto a pillow on the floor instead of the snacks. She wouldn't come near me for a full hour, and she'd been napping in my lap for several days. :/

CaptSkippy 9

I did that once with garbage and a puppy I accidentally through the garbage out... the damn puppy was still in my hand .-.

CaptainDoorknob 7

40 - Lmfaoooooo that comment made me ooze lolsauce

alex_vik 0

#13 - Silk is the name of the brand he had. He didn't shorten it himself.

I did that once, kind of. I had just finished a glass of orange juice and, like I always do, I threw the cup in the sink from the other end of the kitchen, I didn't relize till it was to late that it wasn't a plastic cup it was glass.

This is still my favorite fml that doesn't have like a million votes.

You're a genius. People baffle me with how little they pat attention to anything in their life.

MetalCraze 11

fyi soymilk causes infertility so it's better you threw it

yaya1213 6

Would u rather hav infertility or cow puss and blood and unnatural things coming out of a regular glass of milk? Infertility=no contraceptives needed (well except for STDs)

kjforeverbffe 0

haha this is so something that i would do