By Anonymous - 12/09/2010 16:56 - United States

Today, I admitted to my mother that I've had sex with my boyfriend. She seemed to handle it well, but when my boyfriend came over, she condemned him to hell in between asking him what he would like to have for dinner. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 052
You deserved it 10 317

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I told my mom that same thing except she told me that if she ever saw him again she would cut his balls off..

"Let's see, we've got lasagna, seafood, you're going to burn in Hell for ******* my daughter, enchiladas, tacos, pizza, and steak! Take you're pick."


why the hell would you tell your mom..? what does it give her to know. Do you want to know how I told my mom that I wasn't a virgin anymore? "Mom.. I'm pregnant"

more like. hy Steve what would you like for dinner-YOU BASTARD WILL BURN-I think we have some pork chops

lol xD ydi! atleast he got to stay for dinner :P

Why don't girls get this NEVER TELL THEM ANYTHING

RedPillSucks 31

Some people actually have good relationships with their parents and will tell them stuff. It's not a bad thing. Personally, I'd be insulted if the first thing I heard from my kids were "I'm pregnant" or "I got some girl pregnant".

in such a mix, I reckon your b/f had lunch and you...

ydi for telling her why would you do that!!!

glambert1998 0

ur mom seems awesome,my 16yr old sister took me and her bf to his house for a sleep over and guess what i heard in the middle of the night?me and his little sister were waking up to my sister having her first ******.guess what she told mom? her and caleb had sex on my birthday