By matt5th35hit - 09/05/2009 08:16 - United States
matt5th35hit tells us more.
And by the way... This was not a FAKE experience. It scared the living shit out of me. I admit...I didn't know anything about the ocean or rip "CURRENTS" but now I do. Thank's for the knowledge guys, I've lived at the beach for 4 years and never swam in the ocean because I didn't like swimming in the ocean. Now u see why. There were NO lifeguards...This was at CAROLINA BEACH!! Just outside of Wilmington NC. If you know me, yup..I'm a dumbass for this. It's funny you say that. The water WAS murky and choppy. It ran along side a big ass pile of rocks that stretched out into the ocean. I didn't want to hit the rocks though for fear of injury. Fighting the rip current was a dumbass idea. After I ran out of energy trying to swim I just gave up and floated on my back and the waves helped push me back to shore. I really didn't give a shit about people seeing my dick. Im a sexy beast. haha
Top comments
Omg! I'm allways so afraid that will happen... Not the swimsuit part though! Sorry bud. Maybe you'll never see them again? :)
I'm going to guess you don't actually live near the beach. You're supposed to swim WITH the riptide when you're stuck, not towards shore. Actually, considering swimming towards shore in a rip doesn't even work, I'm gonna make a "fake" call on this one.
Actually you don't swim with the rip, if the beach is patrolled you signal for help and float on your back, and if the beach is not patrolled you swim parallel to the beach.
If that was me I wouldn't care if I was naked Id just be happy to be alive
ok, heres what you do next time: once you realize you dont have your pants dont pretend like you noticed. keep just staggering around for a few seconds then fall over. people will completly forget that your naked and come to help you. problem solved brah.
be happy u managed to survived..u lucky naked bastard...hahaha it is funny!!

The good news is that you lived....
Five years later. Lawl