By Anonymous - 30/08/2014 06:44 - New Zealand - Wellington

Today, I almost got lucky with a girl from my course. We've been flirting since we met. After removing her top and moving downwards with my tongue, whilst moaning my name she decided to mention she has a boyfriend and that we needed to stop. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 859
You deserved it 6 268

Same thing different taste

Top comments


At least you got to see her boobs before she broke the bad new!? Hey, boobs!!!! Let's not dwell on the negative...

That's when you lick the sweat off your forehead.

yeyeboys 20

That's one of the basic techniques. She was testing you. You failed though.

that could be a lot worse. she might have just saved you an ass beating.

PoisonOrchid 21

Doesn't really sound like the kind of girl you wanna be with anyway. Really sucks though! Sorry, OP

Or she might have lied to get you to stop cause she got overwhelmed. Some girls can talk big but when it comes down to it they get nervous and back out. For all we know she could be a virgin.

this is exactly what I was thinking, I'm surprised this didn't occur to someone earlier. she may definitely have wanted to engage with OP. but then just wasn't comfortable. it's slightly sad though, that girls sometimes feel as if they have to say they have a boyfriend in these situations. not that OP was in any way behaving disrespectfully of course but she could've been honest. unless she really does have a boyfriend, in which case good luck dealing with the guilt, bitch.