By Anonymous - 30/08/2014 06:44 - New Zealand - Wellington

Today, I almost got lucky with a girl from my course. We've been flirting since we met. After removing her top and moving downwards with my tongue, whilst moaning my name she decided to mention she has a boyfriend and that we needed to stop. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 859
You deserved it 6 268

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Who stops right before the oral sex?? Kidding. She's a bitch for leading you on like that and letting you touch her at all.

A ***** with a conscience. That's a first.

That must be very frustrating, not cool to lead people on like that.

I have been in a similar situation with someone from my course. I feel ya, OP. Things will get better x

SexyMexi21 23

**** it all man.. your halfway there now.. hurry up!

Maby she just relized that shes on her period and needed an excuse to be a bit•• LMFAO

Iguanadon 14

you don't 'just realise' you're on your period. Most women have a pretty good idea of when it should start and are well aware when it does source: I have a womb

**** her right in the...... Oh wait shes taken