By Annakins - 06/06/2010 18:31 - United States

Today, I am 9 months pregnant. I had a dream where I successfully pushed and gave birth to my son. Meanwhile, in the real world, I successfully pushed and gave birth to a large dump. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 244
You deserved it 7 088

Same thing different taste

Top comments


muffinsareyummy 1

Well, congratulations anyway.

perdix 29

Aw. So cute! It looks JUST like you.

TheDeadWhoWalks 0

OP Your A Disguisting Bitch

kennykins12345 0

and your a judgemental ****, but hey, we cant all say what we think otherwhise assholes like you would probably be having their faces smashed 24/7.

purpleadios 10

that sucks. in my health class we were learning about pregnacy and I was wondering if that ever happened to a woman who was giving birth...well now know.

Yes, it often happens during birth. Or so I'm told.

Yep. Women giving birth in the hospital usually get an enema before delivering so they don't shit everywhere.

Who told you that? They do not get enemas! They get urinary catheters if they get epidurals since they can't walk to piss, but they do not get enemas! Unless that's a European thing I've never heard of. Neither I nor anyone I know has gotten one before birth.

TripleJumpMan 0
rawrimadinosour 0

Ha Ha I remember when I use to pee on my bed.. OP that's gross.

LatteMakiatto 0

lol, thats funny :P nxt time in your dream, make sure

WolfsGuns 0

I don't know if this is just me but this fml makes me think of the song "I shit on you" by Eminem and D12