By RatQuiRit - 13/10/2008 08:21

Today, I arrived at the station at 7:30pm sharp for the train... which was cancelled. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 765
You deserved it 15 898

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TurtleGenius 0

That sucks. Wish there was more to the story, though.


lollibots 0

this isnt an fml.honestly.all the early FMLs suck,the new ones are more ****** up than ever but not as funny as the ones in the middle.

Very lame story....your life isn't f••••• at all.

AnotherStranger2 0


itsgen 16

hahahahahahahhaha tooo bad

thats really not an fml moment like its a **** shit moment but not a fml, my dad dissownd me today for being bisexual, now thats truly fml!

the whole system of public transport is failing these days

wtf big deal catch the next one. trains cancel all the time

doggie3 0

Ooooh. That's horrible. *sarcastic*