By LoveStinks - 18/08/2016 10:56

Today, I asked a girl what time she'd like me to pick her up for our date tonight. She didn't know what I was talking about. It seems like, after months of sweaty palms, nervous smiles, and awkward sentences, I only dreamed she said yes to going out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 231
You deserved it 2 581

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't let your dreams be dreams, just do it! - Albert Einstein

Your brain's telling you something subconsiously! Follow your dreams!


Aww OP your username is "love stinks" but I don't think love stinks per se... maybe just the process of finding it. Try this: before you ask her out, find a private place (like a bathroom) where you can do the Superman pose for a few minutes. Some research suggests that this can lead to increased confidence via release of testosterone. Even if the science is not entirely persuasive, just think of it as an activity to psych yourself up. You can mentally rehearse what you're going to say, think about all your positive qualities and how lucky any girl would be to go on a date with you. You can do some breathing exercises, such as square breathing: inhale for 4 seconds, hold for 4 seconds, exhale 4 seconds, hold another 4 seconds before inhaling of next cycle. These are just ideas. Do whatever works best for you. Good luck!! :)

aww, I'm sorry! you'll get her next time!

Take the plunge, OP! Ask her out. Good luck!

Been there brother, lucky for me it was text messages so I saw right away before I said anything, but those vivid dreams can be a real pain in the ass.

"I know 'tis but a Dream/Yet feel more anguish/Than if 'twere truth." Samuel Coleridge. Dreams suck sometimes.

It be ironic if this was one of the rare situations that the girl did say yes, but got cold feet and played dumb about. It'd also be a huge dick move, but still. That said, it's significantly more likely that your brain is just a dick and decided to make fake memories out of dreams, which is unfortunate.

Ugh, I hate dreams like this. I am so sorry sweetheart. I know right now you're probably embarrassed but this too shall pass. There have been many times where I've tried to start a conversation back up with someone. When suddenly I realized it was a dream. It's a crappy feeling that I wouldn't wish on anyone. She knows you like her now. Take a chance and she may say yes for real.

his palms are sweaty, knees weak arms are heavy, theres vomit on his sweater moms spaghetti

Hey. Sometimes it works. My boyfriend asked me before we were dating "how do you know that I liked you?" I didn't know that he liked me. We've been together six years. :)

Well, use that to your advantage!! Either just go with it and ask her again (you already thought you did it, how hard can it be now?), or just use that line as your invite and make it casual. Worst case scenario she says no and you can move on. Good luck!