By random - 14/02/2012 18:05 - United States

Today, I asked a good friend what she thought would make me more attractive to women. Her advice was, "Don't be yourself." FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 412
You deserved it 3 378

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your friends an ass but probably has a point somewhere in there. Your a guy and she's a girl so she knows about her own gender.

Assuming you're an ugly, stupid, boring, smelly, hairy, boorish, obnoxious lout, I'd say she's right on the money.


Best way to get a girl, find her movie idol, and be that guy. Then, if you want more then just some nookie slowly work yourself into her dream man till its all you.

Ha wow, people tell me to change who I am all the time, all I do is tell them that I'm sorry I don't want to be another worthless nobody who acts like everyone else, they either shut up or try (and fail) to defend themselves by saying they're not like everyone else

"... what she thought would make me more attactive towards women." Grammar fail. Technically, you are asking what would increase YOUR attraction to women and not women's attraction to you. The keywords are "make me more attractive towards women." You have difficulty being attractive to women? Grammar fail. FML approval fail too.

Grammar fail. Technically, you asked your friend what would increase your attraction to women. The keywords are "'make me more attractive to women." A valid sentence to portray your meaning is "What would make women more attractive to me." Compare that valid sentence to yours, "What would make me more attractive to women." Think twice before you flame me.

"Technically, you asked your friend what would increase your attraction to women." Yes, what's the problem? "What would make women more attractive to me." That's not what he was asking. Try again.

Actually, you kind of just made yourself look like an idiot. Ha. The sentence was worded oddly, but it's not incorrect. You're reading as if he said "make me more attractED to women" not "attractive" because attractive is an adjective and attracted is a verb. He's talking about himself when he says attractive, not other women. So. Yeah. You're wrong. Lol.

Uh... I'm not flaming, and I did think twice before replying, so I suppose I'm good to go. There is nothing wrong with this grammar. He asks how to make women like him more- 'women more attracted to me.' Maybe you're a touch confused? He is NOT asking how to make himself 'more attractive to women,' which is what you're saying.

Lol a similar situation happened to me when I asked my brother how to get a guys attention to which he replied 'Don't let him get to know you'

elmateo_fml 9

She probably misheard you, she gave you advice on how to be attractive to girls, not women