
By Pr unlucky - 02/10/2010 08:07 - Australia

Today, I married the woman I love. I wasn't the groom, I was the minister. FML
I agree, your life sucks 70 533
You deserved it 6 685

Same thing different taste

Top comments

damn that sucks FYL. There is someone for everyone . Cheer up


Agreed with 1... that really sucks, OP... but you SHOULD have told her about your feelings earlier, and if she didn't return them, then you could've moved on...

Aww.. it's alright OP she didn't deserve you anyway, plenty of other girls out there :) Being an Australian female I know, there are plenty of ladies looking for a guy like you... Good luck!

What if he did tell her...and she just didn't care? The fml wasn't about him regretting never told her.

I agree with 45. For all we know, he could have told her, but she didn't care. Just sayin'.

ArtIsResistance7 1

Australians enjoy only the finest of things. Beer with 4 X's, Rugby, and of course being totally isolated from the rest of the world :P

QwertyMcNugget 0

aw beat me to it 68 :( by the way listen to Parkway Drive (band) :)

aw beat me to it 68 :( by the way listen to Parkway Drive (band) :)

oops sorry my comment didn't show so I kept clicking send and now there's two

ArtIsResistance7 1

You are all wrong. XX = Dos Equis XXX = Porno XXXX = Australian Beer Therefore, X = 1/2 of a Mexican Beer, 1/3 of *******, and 1/4 of Aussie Beer :P Stay thirsty, my friends.

alaskan420 0

Anyone see it kinda odd how the 3 stated minsters are all using pictures from Disney/Pixar's Ratituie (sp?)?

I've been a type of minister. Not an ordained one, however.

129; yep, & their names all seem equally random and/or stupid.

It takes about a minute to become an ordained minister online through the Universal Life Church. They've been around since the late 50s, you used to be able to do it through the mail. A friend of my dad's had already legally married his fiancee in a courthouse, but he wanted to have a ceremony in his backyard and asked my dad to act as the minister. When my dad found out the guy's mother didn't know my dad wasn't a real minister, and it was important to her, my dad freaked out because he's physically incapable of lying and became one online. It actually turned out a good deal of the people there didn't know -- it was really hilarious being introduced as the minister's daughter. My dad doesn't even like religion. /story time.

ThatsJustMii 0

aww i almost know what it feels like... like the world has ended :( I'm so sorry

raymel 5

well your a priest. what did you exspect? :)


u sir just made me ******* burst out laughing. cookie?

Tomatobee 4

rock_squared, I don't like your inability to accept other people's views and beliefs. it's not a healthy habit.

171: You're so right. OP couldn't possibly be one of those internet-ordained non-religious people who merely officiated a weddings for friends that one time, since such people obviously don't exist, and definitely haven't been mentioned earlier in this thread for your reading convenience. You've enlightened me with your cool-headed logic and ninja-like reasoning skillz. I'm totally unconverting right now. [Or is it proverting?] Do you hear that? It's the sound of a smoldering fire on my living room floor. I tried to burn my crucifixes, dreidels, and genuine plastic magic crystal 8-ball, but the holy water I tried to burn doused the bonfire before it really picked up. As a recent provert, I don't know much about secular ideas like "science", but I'm pretty sure that means Satan was in there somewhere and he got exorcized. So good on you for that. He was probably in my magic plastic crystal 8-ball; I never trusted that blue gunk in there. Also, in the interest of full disclosure I should tell you that I kept my bindhi, but that's only because I'm going to need to dress up for Halloween. Now that I won't be marauding and sacrificing babies to black cats all night, I can go to one of those sexy Halloween parties. I figured I could use the bindi to go as "sexy Cindy Crawford", which is basically Cindy Crawford but sluttier, and with a sparkly mole.


wow YDI for even agreeing to marry them 2... unless your like her best friend or something...

Kirlyfoo 9

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but it would've still hurt to see her marry someone else, even if OP did tell the woman. So I say that OP's like is f-ed...

Who said he never told her? Maybe she just didn't return the sentiment, and then they got the unlucky pairing.

Sun_Kissed18 25

If he did tell her and she still asked him to be the minister, thats pretty terrible of her to do that to him

Sometimes they assign ministers if the couple doesn't mind who it is.

We don't know he didn't tell her. If he'd told her how he felt awhile ago and she didn't reciprocate then, she might think he just got over it. I know I wouldn't keep confessing my love to a guy friend after being rejected once; I'd consider the ball to be in his court. If that's the case, asking him to perform the ceremony isn't an intentionally cruel thing to do. There are other possibilities to consider, too-- the groom could be OP's good friend or brother, or OP could be a lesbian who knows the bride is straight.

If he had told her, having him marry them would be pretty akward :|

163: Even if he'd told her a long time ago, like say, 5 years ago, and they were still good friends? I had that awkward "I don't love you in that way" talk with many guy friends before I got married, and it usually ended with things going back to normal in our friendship. One of them was a groomsman, actually. All I'm saying is that /could've/ happened, and neither OP nor the bride would really be to blame then.

1) He never said he didn't tell her how he felt. 2) Maybe (if he didn't tell her) he did it because she was already with the other person and he does not want to break up a good relationship or he knew she would reject him

damn that sucks FYL. There is someone for everyone . Cheer up

ydi what happen to "speck now or forever hold thy peace"....duhh

I don't think you can "speak now" if your conducting the cerimony

if you weren't a priest, I'd say to make a move and steal that bride ;)

FAIL - i love the way you worded it. -Ł

UnicornsDoExist 0

that was so well worded. I had to read it 5 times before I understood it.

Schizo, I like how you are always so brutally honest.

Agree with 14. That was short and sweet FML. (Not literally sweet though since OP joined the couple in marriage.) What was there to NOT understand?

Cause "dumbass" is brutal? Jeez you've had an eventful life in your huge plastic experience bubble.

Schizomaniac 24

The brutatily was referring the level of honesty, having little to do with the demeanor in which it was delivered. You don't have to be a dick to be brutally honest.

House. Case and point. Go home and watch. I win.

With the right timing, the word "dumbass" can be the perfect response. Plus, that's kinda what you are.

simon, the difference between House and Schizo is that House is honestly brutal. You don't win because you're too dense to realize the difference.

ZOMG i am so sorry... but ministers dont go on FML! or do they?? YOU IZ TROLLIN!

thats just a weird picture... and plus ministers are USUALLY old guys 0_0 but i guess he could be one of those young ones..

C6Racer 0

Yea, I've seen many young ministers. On the other hand, he didn't say how old the woman is. You don't have to be young to get married.


One of my friends is a minister and she's a WoW addict =D

Of course ministers can read and post to FML. Besides, as Spas mentioned above, pretty much anyone can get ordained online.


Actually her 80s are Warlock and Druid. Love the irony there.

xD gotta love locks, I got a 80 lock aswell :p

Why wouldn't a minister go on FML?? That's along the lines of, "Teachers don't have houses! They live at school!" on the stupidity rankings. The internet is a public place. Everyone's allowed on it.