By anonymous - 20/04/2016 03:09 - United States - Saint Paul

Today, I asked a short girl to prom by making a "You must be this tall to say no" sign. She grabbed a chair, stood on it, and then said no. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 882
You deserved it 30 399

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Looks like your plan fell a little short of the mark


hmrhoades 18

I'm short and the short jokes really do get old. I can see how she would be upset.

This is the kind of thing you'd have to be close with someone to pull off. It's something you should have kinda felt the person out for to figure out their response. "How do you feel about big promposals? Are big public things your thing?"

Badkarma4u 17

Seriously, how did you think that was going to go over?

Sxylilhalfpint 20

As someone that is only 4"11 I would have thought that was hilarious. But than again I have a sense of humor.

Not that many people have one of those these days

Sxylilhalfpint 20

it's sad. I laugh at my own height on a daily basis. and if strangers try to crack a joke at my height than awesome. I don't get mad I laugh and say a smart ass comment to follow.

Being offended by someone making fun of your height does not mean you don't have a sense of humour. I will laugh about it with friends but not strangers, they haven't earned the right to make fun of me. Even then, for years it upset me with friends. But it doesn't mean I don't have a sense of humour. Also everyone's sense of humour is different, some are non existent, but some find stuff funny that most don't and vice versa, just because one person or multiple people don't find one particular thing funny, doesn't mean they don't have a sense of humour.

She's a keeper! She sounds awesome. You screwed up. Unless you already knew she'd like that joke, you were a jerk. YDI.

I don't understand why everyone is so upset. He wasn't making fun of her or anything. He just wanted a funny way to ask her to prom.

Sxylilhalfpint 20

because now days everyone is a cry baby and enjoy getting butthurt over stupid shit. it's a joke and if you ask me damn adorable!

It's more that he didn't give her the option to say no (basically saying she was too short to say no), so she made his option invalid, and a lot of people are supporting her.

He was actually poking fun at her right, and as the other person said tried to take her option to say no away. Joke or not that can upset someone. This is something to need to know how it will be relieved before going through with it. I'm personally with many of the others: if I was close with the person, Id find it hilarious. If I wasn't, Id find it rude and creepy. You don't have the right to tell someone what to be offended over or what not to, whether you're short or not. Just like I can't tell you that you SHOULD be offended. People are different.

You're one of those new types of entitled idiot. Good for the girl on setting better standards for herself.

Or maybe they are friends and he thought she was going to take it as the joke it was. You can't just assume thing about people before you actually get to know them.

That was a bad idea from the beginning

wickedhyype 17

Well.. That can be taken as offensive