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By sastgamer - 21/05/2016 17:46 - United States - Minneapolis

Today, I asked about 30 students and 3 of my teachers to sign my yearbook. So far, only my math teacher agreed to write in it. He wrote, "You need to try harder next year." FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 429
You deserved it 1 787

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just sign it yourself in different kinds of handwriting.

If the teachers opinion of you is either making them biased against you (so they give you lower grades) or its emotionally affecting you (if they get really angry all the time or stuff like that and it's affecting your ability to do well) you can talk to the principal or another higher up to see if there's anything that can be done


So try harder next year then. Studying goes a long way OP... But still, it's pretty sad that they refused to sign it, FYL OP, that's not cool. :(

Just sign it yourself in different kinds of handwriting.

I don't know bout you, but if I was doing that I would start crying uncontrollably midway through and screaming about how lonely I am.

If the teachers opinion of you is either making them biased against you (so they give you lower grades) or its emotionally affecting you (if they get really angry all the time or stuff like that and it's affecting your ability to do well) you can talk to the principal or another higher up to see if there's anything that can be done

And this, right here, is what's wrong with our education system. Too much coddling that the teachers have no control over their classrooms anymore. Screw that, we need to go back to the days of Corporal Punishment in schools. Things would be way better and society as a whole would be a hell of a lot tougher.

nah, ssnow, they'd just turn into people like you, who want to thump people at the slightest mention of something they might not agree with. That's exactly what we DON'T need from society. And what the hell does the teacher having a poor opinion of OP (warranted or not) have to do with teachers not controlling classrooms? That's nonsensical

So what percentage of the people you've asked actually wrote in your yearbook? If you can't answer, then your teacher was right.

Allornone 35

That seems so mean of your classmates. I was never very popular, but people would still sign with the generic "you seem so nice" or "see you next year" kind of comments. Those really aren't much better, but at least the kids weren't dicks about it.

Right?? I was miserable and had very little friends in many of my school years, but I could still get a good hundred signatures in mine, even if they were generic. Not getting a single signature from a classmate sounds horrible.

I always right RAGS cause half my friends are poor. It's an elaborate back-to-back dissing practice. I'm mean to them a lot...

Maybe this kid was the school bully and that's why no one wanted to sign their yearbook. Anyone thought of that?

According to your other comments, you seem like you'd want to celebrate them if that's true

I prefer that then the regular hags

I see you glued your picture in the yearbook....60 Bucks not wasted now...

what did you do to make them hate you? seems really rude of them if they had no reason other than not knowing you very well.

AnOriginalName 19

If you meet one asshole in a day, you met an asshole. If everyone you met during the day is an asshole, maybe you are the asshole. I find it hard to believe that you're not doing something to make everyone have such a poor opinion of you.