By Anonymous - 17/02/2016 02:45 - Canada - Brampton

Today, I was threatened to be held back because of the lack of teacher-parent communication. My parents refuse to sign my report card because of my one mark below ninety percent. My teacher was dead serious about failing me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 831
You deserved it 1 466

Same thing different taste

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Am I the only one who thinks your parents are more bitchier than your teacher?

Surely the teacher can't fail you if you're one mark below 90, is there no other communication besides your report card? I'm sure if it was important your teacher could call or email...


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Yeah, I mean, who WOULDN'T brag about getting held back?

ChristianH39 30

"Humble brag" is an oxymoron, I think subtle is the word you're looking for.

I think the point of the term "humble brag" is to call out subtle bragging in what initially seems to be a show of humility

Surely the teacher can't fail you if you're one mark below 90, is there no other communication besides your report card? I'm sure if it was important your teacher could call or email...

A call would work, and don't call me Shirley.

awildwhisper 30

That's not a valid reason to fail you, it sounds more like a cruel scare tactic. The teacher maybe didn't believe you showed it to your parents.

I don't see why he wouldn't have though, only one mark below 90% is not bad at all.

Forge it. It's illegal but everybody does it, like speeding.

Sucks OP!! Hope it gets resolved to your satisfaction..

Am I the only one who thinks your parents are more bitchier than your teacher?

MikaykayUnicorn 36

In a way they are, but really, failing a student because of "lack of parent teacher communication?" My parents almost never speak to my teachers (and if the teacher needed to talk to OP'S parents so horribly that they are going to fail OP, why didn't they tell them to talk to them during a parent teacher meeting?) and I have never been threatened to be failed because of it. It doesn't make sense to fail a student because of that.

I don't think it's the lack of communication as much as they're at a stalemate. The parents (who are the idiots of this situation) somehow refuse to sign op's report card because they are unhappy about his grade (as if a refusal of signature is going to make the teacher change the grade) and the teacher has to have them sign the report card in order for it to all be valid (I guess). Sounds like the parents are being idiots. A refusal to sign the report card isn't going to change the grade. I'd have the teacher try and explain that to them (and that a grade just under 90% is an incredible grade) and see if they'll change their minds. Good luck op and sorry you're in the middle of this. If all else fails, try forging it yourself and hope the parents forget about it.

Really sucks to be a minor doesn't it? I hope you turn 18 soon OP and best of luck sorting this out.

I don't think being a minor has anything to do with this situation.

Being a minor means that the parents have the control. If the OP was not a minor, this would not be an issue.

Definitely makes a difference! Can you imagine a professor at university calling someone's parents about an exam grade?!

Tbh I kinda know how you feel and yeah that seriously sucks. I hope it somehow works out to where you don't fail.