By expertdoubleex - 28/01/2010 06:21 - United States
expertdoubleex tells us more.
Allo Trollsters. This is the silly girl who posted the FML. A few disclaimers: 1) Rent is cheaper here than you are thinking. My last place here ran under $500, utilities included. If we split the cost, we aren't looking at massive expenses. 2) He is 25 years old, he lives at his parents' for free, he has a job AND THEY GIVE HIM AN ALLOWANCE. Oh, yeah, and they pay his bills for him. 3) Yes, he acquired all the nerf guns at once, within the past week. 4) I don't have a problem with his hobby. Boys will be boys, and I kinda have a thing for nerds. I do, however, have a problem with the fact that he has lied to me for the past 6 months about his future aspirations... Because I have been busting ass, nose-to-the-grindstone, working towards getting my debts paid off so we could get this place together. Aaaaand, apparently toys are more important.
Top comments
Haha, at least he's telling the truth. (:
Automatic Nerf guns are awesome though.
I know. How badly does he allocate his money? I mean why does he spend $34.95 on a CS-35 Raider when he could have been spending ~$900 a month on an apartment?
nerf guns FTW!
i would love it if my boyfriend had a large collection of nerf guns. god be positive maybe?
YDI for dating an a-hole like that.
66 your also dumb. there is a thing called one time charge, and a month to month payment. you can do the small stuff each month, but if you can't do the rent, then you run into the problem people are in now. getting kicked out of their apt for not being able to pay. at least he's saying what he can and can't do.
#150: #66 was being ironic.
@150, Regarding "your dumb," you forgot to mention my dumb what. Note that when using an adjective and a possessive pronoun, you're supposed to mention a noun shortly thereafter. Anyhow, try to detect jokes a little better. I am quite aware of the fact that $35 is very different from $900 per month. That's what I was joking about (as the guy above me correctly stated). So take your (misspelled) anger out on the OP, not me. kthx, you've been officially pwned. Have a good day!
#161 SHUT THE **** UP Enough said.
I collect coins, does that make me an asshole too?
I'm not a doctor or anything, but im pretty sure that a few nerf guns are less expensive than maintaining an appt.
doctors are the experts in that field then? you coulda said accountant or something lol
scratch that! u could have said "im not a landlord that works part time at a toy store, but im pretty sure yada yada yada." :)
youre name is win "mike hock" did u get that from failblog?
Agreed. That's not an FML, you're just overreacting and making a comparison that doesn't make any sense.
A person can be a doctor if they have doctorate in any field, regardless of whether or not they are physicians. Still funny, though.
what mike said
$40 for nerf guns. $200-$600 for rent.... yes I can see how this makes sense. besides the belt fed nerf guns kick ass
do a barral roll! said it caz ur icons a rabit
$200-$600 for rent? Where the hell do YOU live? A decent 2 bedroom apartment here runs about $900-$1400.
A full on collection of belt fed Nerf guns can be pretty expensive actually. She didn't say that he was only getting one of them.
I would rather have the guns anyways.
not married yet and ALREADY arguing about finances? You got yourself a real winner there. I can't see life getting any easier anytime soon
Very true. I would never live with my girlfriend
I'm sure these guns were acquired over time, not just recently. How much he spent on them in the past is irrelevant. If you were planning on moving in with him, you more than likely already knew about the Nerf gun collection. Quit overreacting about your boyfriend's hobby and get over it.
She literally said he got them all in the past week.
don't move in with you're boyfriend if you plan on marrying him because couples who live together before they get married are more likely to get divorced
How does that make sense #12 (tlkalot)? If i had lived with my ex-wife before I married her I never would've married her in the first place because I would've seen what a slob she was. After that I made the rule that I have to live with someone for a year before I even THINK about marriage. I had one girl that I lived with that we broke up because I realized we're not as compatible as we thought. Now I'm living with someone that I can't imagine living with anyone else. Show me proof that couples that live together prior get more divorces.
Not "proof" but here are two examples of studies that conclude couples who cohabitate before marriage are at greater risk of divorce after they marry.
Uh? I would have been divorced three times by now then. You gotta try it before you buy it. There's no way I'm marrying someone without knowing what living with them is like.
Those studies ignore the simple factor that couples who do not cohabitate before marriage are typically more religious (since cohabitation before marriage is sinful to Christians), and, therefore, less likely to seek a divorce (also sinful -- mortally so). Irresponsible conclusions drawn from incomplete studies.
"The study also points out that "cohabiting couples can improve their type of couple relationship and, thereby, increase their chances of a successful marriage" by receiving premarital education. This supports findings by other researchers." From the very article you posted. Other one kept giving me an error so I couldn't read through it.
At least he can prioritise. It IS an important skill, after all.

I'm not a doctor or anything, but im pretty sure that a few nerf guns are less expensive than maintaining an appt.
$40 for nerf guns. $200-$600 for rent.... yes I can see how this makes sense. besides the belt fed nerf guns kick ass