By Anonymous - 30/11/2010 06:06 - United States

Today, I asked my boyfriend what he wanted for Christmas. He then told me that he would only tell me if I promised not to get mad, so I agreed. He told me that he wants me to start working out because I'm getting fat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 627
You deserved it 33 113

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is called honesty. The best gift he could give you.

JayDawgg 0

well it's your fault for being fat


Pocahontas22_fml 0

Op did not deserve this. her bf is a jerk. it shouldn't matter what she looks like..

Matt_192 6

if a woman can call a man fat, a man can do the same. Equality, remember?

you're only saying that because you're hot. op just gotta accept it for what it is. I'll bet men RARELY diss you, if ever. shit, your damn profile picture is smokin. I'm jus sayin. lol

jckbco 0

depending on how much weight they were discussing, she might have deserved it! why is he a jerk? sounds like he waited for an opportune time and asked nicely

FML is one sided, we don't know if her bf is a jerk or she views it this way. And I agree with others that pretty people such as yourself do not see the other side of the tracks often. you see how people feel in movies or hear from friends, but until you are in the position you will not know. Unless all of this goes to say that you were ugly at a young age and worked your butt off to get where you are today. Still, I believe that pretty people are naive to a lot. not saying you are, but the sterotype does.

On the plus side at least he's honest. Also on the plus side: OP.

Tadeusz_fml 5

Oh, very good sir. I thoroughly enjoyed that.

huggybear801 0

why is it in every ****** FML that's about weight everyone always calls out fatty it's irritating not everyone can be a friggin double 0 okay ya her boyfriend has noticed she may have gained a little weight but no one is perfect and to call her out by saying she's fat when you don't even know all your going by is this FML is ignorant you could be the skinniest person and still be outta shape heavier people can be in shape and still be bigger than the double 0 I guess everyone only goes by looks it doesn't matter about your personality right as long as your hott!!!!!

I got an immense headache from reading this... Every time a person gets called fat/obese/overweight, people use that argument that "not everyone can be a size zero, being anorexic is so gross, nobody likes skin and bones," etc, etc. Stop dealing with EXTREMES people, no one is saying that eating disorders are warranted and that being a size zero is amazing. They are simply saying stop being FAT. It's not skinny vs fat. It's not that black and white. There is a spectrum and there are plenty of body weights in between those two. For example, I am 120, am I dangerously obese? No. Am I a bag of bones? No. You can be a nice and (possibly) attractive size without being a size 0.

There's about 100 other ways he could of said that without sounding like a jerk but if it's how he feels then take a step back and see what he sees. Then pick out something you want him to change. Get him a penis pump. Just to be a jerk back :D

iivann 0

Jajajaja well that guy had balls to tell u

Yes, my pointing out that health is MORE than just weight and even if a person is overweight doesn't mean they deserve to be treated like shit means I MUST be fat. Reality check, i'm a normal size 8, and happy with how I look. None of us know if the OP is even truely overweight, she could have gone from a size 6 to an 8 and her boyfriend is being an ass about it. You automatically assume the OP is some 400 pound lazy person wh odoes nothing but eat bon bons all day, which is just idiotic. Guys like you are why so many girls have eating disorders and have warped perceptionsw about how they "should" look.

Two things: 1) Eating disorders are often more about control than being "pretty", and 2) girls are much harsher on themselves and eachother than guys are, at least when beauty is concerned.

but look how society is getting larger as years go by. Size 8 maybe the average now but a 6 was the average 10 years ago. Give it a few more years and America will have to change laws to allow "big" people to park closer to stores and given more room on airplanes. This is not a good progression for our country. With large weight comes bad health ( meaning the organs have to work harder) I honestly believe that the health care system should charge based on health screen results and the pay on how likely the unhealthy are to use the system. Who enjoys going to the doctor? I see the doctor every 6 months for a normal checkup and try to keep it that way. i know, I know... a rant about the health care is off subject.

there is a pattern in a lot of relationships...when one person gains weight generally so does the other something else people haven't mentioned how much does he weigh!

And why does this say your boyfriend and not your ex-boyfriend? You shouldn't be with someone like that.

mrilake 0

#79, you do make a good point about my incorrect assumptions. Sorry about that. You also make another good point about eating disorders and girls having warped perceptions about how they should look - but I'd like to point out that when I say I like "thin" women I'm not talking about anorexic Kate Moss types. Too thin is as unattractive as too fat - probably "slim" should have been a better word on my part. You say health is about more than weight; I think weight is the starting point to health. If someone is 25 lbs overweight but still has the exact same lifestyle as someone who is at optimum weight (smokes a pack a day, drinks 6 beers per night, etc.) they will nevertheless have the disadvantage no matter what. If someone is 50 lbs overweight but doesn't engage in any other unhealthy behaviors, they're still at the disadvantage in my mind compared to someone who is in shape but is a heavy smoker. A smoker can stop today and receive immediate health benefits if they can remain committed. Losing 50 lbs will take months. And, when it comes to keeping the weight off I'm committed to it myself for my own sake. I believe everyone should stay trim and eat healthy; I'm not some slob who believes other people should do what I can't or won't do myself. I have little respect for people that refuse to exercise or eat right but just complain about being judged unfairly and expect sympathy. Same reason I don't have patience for people who refuse to work but then gripe about being poor.

NekoHakase 0

What he said was totally reasonable. You said you wouldn't get mad, so take his respectfully given advice and head to the treadmill! It's nothing to complain about. Appreciate the honesty and skip the burgers.