By Anonymous - 30/11/2010 06:06 - United States
Same thing different taste
By Doy - 19/12/2011 06:31 - Canada
By fat - 07/01/2014 12:41 - United States - Lancaster
By tarynfaye - 21/12/2011 11:28 - United States
By Kate - 23/12/2012 08:24 - United States - Kansas City
By pooh anne - 26/02/2013 20:26 - United States - Fort Smith
Food fight
By hss - 30/05/2011 01:59 - United States
By Anonymous - 04/01/2011 19:34 - United Kingdom
By anonymous - 14/12/2011 05:42 - United States
Awful line of inquiry
By teddyissmall - 14/04/2014 06:29 - Canada - Montréal
By notsoskinny - 18/04/2009 16:13 - United States
Top comments
then you reply, "Too bad, you're not supposed to share your wish, now it won't come true!"
that's birthday wishes, not Christmas gifts. Nice try though.
I love how all the ignorant people start calling her fat names. Op try to be more open with your bf...get him to work at slimming down with you even if he doesn't need it. (that's if he still is the bf) Its always best to have a team behind you when trying to accomplish a goal. Also you have to lose weight for yourself not anyone else, you have to be ready to do it for you. Good Luck Op!
I love how people find it acceptable to rag on heavy people under the guise of being concerned for their "health". If a thin person goes to McDonalds every day, never works out, and drinks and smokes every day, nobody says a word to help them get "healthier". They are thin and seen as "hot" so it's okay. A heavy person can be JUST as healthy or healthier than a size 2 person. Weight is not the one and only indicator of health. 36, you sound like an as and I have a hard time believing most of that story. But even if it is true, you don't know that your ex is not perfectly happy being single. I'd rather have her life than a marriage to someone only obsessed with keeping their body "perfect".
so if 36 is an ass, what do you think of 37??
#50, let me guess - you're overweight and defensive about it, and thus anyone who rightfully points out that obesity is unhealthy (and disgusting) is just a fraud pretending false concern. No, I don't have an obsession with keeping my body "perfect" (use exaggeration much?) but rather with taking good care of it to live to old age and beyond. Fat people die young, because their bodies and organs are severely overworked and can't maintain themselves. The subject of this FML was about a fat person who was asked by her boyfriend to slim down. Bringing up a totally irrelevant example of a thin person who exhibits unhealthy behavior has nothing to do with the discussion. You haven't a clue what I or anyone else might have said or might say about that example (how do you know I DON'T frequent other forums railing against drinking, smoking and fried foods?); it's just an attempt to deflect the subject with a bogus non sequitur designed to attack someone pointing out uncomfortable truths. As I said in my original post, I don't care if you or anyone else judges me harshly for not finding fat people attractive. I will not be made to feel sorry for considering Katy Perry more beautiful than Carnie Wilson. I broke up with my weight-gaining girlfriend (who didn't have a "glandular problem" or some such BS; she was just too lazy and undisciplined to take care of herself) and found a woman who shares my views about proper weight control and exercise. It's called "living happily ever after" with a compatible significant other. And as for your absurd comment that "I don't know my ex is not perfectly happy being single" - actually, I DO know this is the case, and I DO know that it's because of her obesity. She remains unwilling to take responsibility for herself and get that gym membership. Funny how you see fit to judge people you don't know while spewing incorrect assumptions, as you moan and complain about others doing the same. You'd rather have my ex's life? With your attitude I'm sure you're probably not far from it, and deservedly so. I imagine you bitch at your doctor for advising you to lose weight, because "he just hates fat people." and in case you missed the point of my original post, you wouldn't have an opportunity to be married to someone like me because I wouldn't choose someone who didn't care enough about her body to exercise and keep fit.
Hey how bout we all just get along :D Hug things out 😉
lol my apologies, the numbers on my computer looked wonky, I meant 37!
I also must say people should settle down with the hurtful comments.. Sometimes you do have to hurt someones feelings to get them to wake up, but you can still provide constructive criticism. For someone who may be gaining weight and not familiar with exercise routines, the information is a LOT to take in! And not all exercises are a one-size-fits-all solution... Im overweight and pregnant and for me to have a successful VBAC I need to lose a little bad weight, while still gain good weight to insure I have a healthy child. Who the hell knows how to do that? Fitness is NOT black and white..
You exercise and eat correctly. While you are pregnant, you need to eat more of certain things that contain particular vitamins and minerals for the baby. Muscle weighs more than fat, which is how you lose "fat" but don't lose weight. You can go down in body fat AND in clothing sizes AND in inches and still weigh the same, or even more. I'd advocate swimming, since you are pregnant. It's low impact. I'd also cut out a lot of the preservative-laden food, eat a lot more fresh fruit and veggies, and go easy on the desserts. Cut out junk food and turn to healthy options if you want to graze during the day. I'm also a huge proponent of weight training. It burns fat while building muscle. Hire a trainer/dietitian if you are unsure of how to go about this.
you mean ex bf right!? exercise releases feel good hormones, and is good for you, so its a great idea, but don't do it for that jack wad, do it for you! oh, and maybe a little for the single hotties out there now that you'll be single too!
at least he's honest, would you rather he just kept his mouth shut and let you get fat? maybe he just wants you to be healthy and work out. if you need help get a trainer. I would way rather my boyfriend be honest than end up fat and wondering why he never said anything. women need to get over this weight paranoia. fat isn't about pounds, it's how you look. and not bone thin either. just a healthy body weight, and muscle. I say you're lucky to be dating someone who cares enough to let you know
he just wants you to look good. its like saying "you have something in your teeth"
all you have to do is join a gym its priceless
how is joining a gym priceless?!?!
This is called honesty. The best gift he could give you.
well it's your fault for being fat