By Anonymous - 27/02/2013 17:36 - United States

Today, I asked my boyfriend where he went to lunch. He said he went to Wendy's. I teased him and asked if he got tired of eating burgers and Frosty's all the time. His response? "What? No, I mean at Wendy's. You know, the hot girl from work?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 258
You deserved it 6 581

Same thing different taste

Top comments

zingline89 18

So he WAS eating out after all. Giggity.


wow... I know he didn't just go to this girl's house for lunch!

Pray tell, how do you know that? Freaking stalkers these days

AllThingsBright_ 11

I don't know why everyone is thumbing #65 down. They're right. We all find people attractive. It's human nature. Albeit, he probably shouldn't have brought up her hotness at the same time he brought up lunch at her place.

man_in_black08 28
sirjuice35 11

He's an Ass. Dump him. Then he can have all the "Wendy" he wants. You deserve better.

No one thought it might have been a counter-tease?

Oh no! He's having lunch at another girl's house! Dump him! There's something seriously wrong with you people..

I know, right! If his intentions weren't honorable, he wouldn't have told he had lunch at our place. Since he DID tell, there's really not much to worry about.