By Anonymous - 27/02/2013 17:36 - United States

Today, I asked my boyfriend where he went to lunch. He said he went to Wendy's. I teased him and asked if he got tired of eating burgers and Frosty's all the time. His response? "What? No, I mean at Wendy's. You know, the hot girl from work?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 258
You deserved it 6 581

Same thing different taste

Top comments

zingline89 18

So he WAS eating out after all. Giggity.


Laurenlou 24

65- While some may not believe this is possible, it definitely is possible to NOT take a second look at another man or woman when in a relationship. There are many people (yes, women AND men) who succeed at not checking out anyone but their partner. Calling someone "hot" implies that they are so attractive, that the person looking is attracted to them in ways that are not appropriate if said person is in a relationship. That being said, if you are a man or woman who just "cannot" help yourself from lusting over someone who you shouldn't be lusting over, then you should probably NOT tell your partner. It hurts many women's feelings to know that their boyfriend is checking other women out. Once again, believe it or not, there are faithful men in the world who don't lust over other woman. .

all these comments : omg he made a joke back, dump his ass

Was he joking? That sounds like something I'd say as a joke...

Satoaoi 13

guess you can go to Alex house. you know the hot guy from work

Tell him you want to go to Jared's. This guy at the gym who sports a huge bulge.

So maybe he DID go to "Wendy's", but I think he was either just being a smartass to get you back for the Wendy comment or something, or just absent-mindedly telling you about his day. If there really WAS something going on between them, then he wouldn't have said "Wendy, the hot girl from work"; he would have tried to either downplay her hotness or downright hide the information from you. So: ouch, because it was a good, slow, gnaws-at-your-very-core burn but also, try not to worry too much about it, as I don't think your boyfriend is guilty of anything worse than being a bit of an insensitive jackass. :)

just like insinuating someone's fat from rating junkfood does. that's why hos counter is so perfect, and the fact that this FML exists is proof of hus divine counter-trolling. big up to my man

Obey_StudBoii 23

He got her "frosty "all night.