By Anonymous - 27/02/2013 17:36 - United States

Today, I asked my boyfriend where he went to lunch. He said he went to Wendy's. I teased him and asked if he got tired of eating burgers and Frosty's all the time. His response? "What? No, I mean at Wendy's. You know, the hot girl from work?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 258
You deserved it 6 581

Same thing different taste

Top comments

zingline89 18

So he WAS eating out after all. Giggity.


Kinda makes you wonder how often he actually eats with her rather than at the restaurant... I hope you had a serious talk about this without jumping to any conclusions. I know I would be pretty miffed though..... lol

adorablekristin 5

hopefully they're just friends and he's not cheating. if he is, i'm sorry, OP

That also is an explanation for your recent love of Long John Silvers

perdix 29

So, is Wendy getting her hands on The Whopper? Or not so much?

perdix 29

#52, perhaps, but my "reaches" are better than anything you've ever done.

Wait a minute.... Isn't the Whopper at Burger King?

Ultimate_No 7

Say, do you like Taco Bell as well?

yeah he ATE her up If you know what I mean

And for those that don't, please explain?

I think the restaurant you're looking for is Taco Time.