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By hopelesscollegestudent - 21/09/2012 16:22 - Canada

Today, I asked my college chemistry teacher for some much-needed help. Instead of explaining anything to me, she scoffed that if I don't understand something, I should "just Google it." FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 045
You deserved it 2 016

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If everyone Googled everything, no one would need to pay your teacher's salary.

jDCrackpot 7

If you're in college you're paying to be taught, not paying to google everything instead. Go above her and make a complaint and see if she still doesn't feel like doing her job.


If everyone Googled everything, no one would need to pay your teacher's salary.

You have no idea now true this is. Everything you learn in a college class is pretty much found online for free. You may just have to look for it. Isn't that crazy? I know an instructor that puts all of her class asignments and stuff online so you can take all that free stuff if you are into graphic design stuff.

#20, true, but isn't getting all from online sources will be plagiarism since almost every Universities or Colleges uses the Turn In system? and easy to get caught, so obviously OP's instructor some idiot lazy instructor for advising such a thing.

spiritfang11237 16

Bad Teacher: OP why don't you just google it instead of asking for my help? OP: Why don't you actually do your job and teach me?

1- but without Google, OP's teacher probably wouldn't have found her job.

#35: I believe #20 was being sarcastic. As in, you can't always Google everything, and the OP has a right to be frustrated because instructors are there to actually teach things rather than to tell students to "just Google it".

I don't know about you but I actually get a lot out of a lecture. Google has specific answers but occasionally miss key points.

But #20 you wouldn't be able to get Phd to get better jobs if you only used google to find everything out for college.

jDCrackpot 7

If you're in college you're paying to be taught, not paying to google everything instead. Go above her and make a complaint and see if she still doesn't feel like doing her job.

Her teacher probably learned everything on

Yeah that's bullshit. I taught ochem lab for three years and that teacher should be fired.

Look around for another chemistry teacher and ask? Or maybe ask a friend that is really good at chemistry?

"'Why don't you google it?' is the new 'shut the **** up and leave me alone.'"

Kinda like how Gangnam Style is the new Dougie.... Or would be a better Soulja Boy..?

More like the new dougie. Soulja boy was just terrible

BunchieRules 31
anarchistpunk 3

Am i the only one who finds the Gungam thing highly annoying?

#33- *Gangnam. I wouldn't correct you, but ****, #33, it was written correctly about four comments above you. D: Also, I actually think it's a really good song. So yes, you are the only one.

33- It's Gangnam, and yes, yes you are. I think it's a little goofy, but every time I watch that video my spirits are lifted, hell, I even read somewhere that Psy made the song to make people happy and get their minds off of all the terrible things in the world.

FMLshark 12

It's her job to teach you and help students further understand the class. If she can't handle that, she definitely shouldn't be a teacher.

sidewaysponytail 0

Where do you think he gets what he teaches you? Wikipedia is my bet.

olpally 32

Google doesn't have the answers all the time... Jeez, you have a "bad teacher." lol.

flockz 19

usually when i hear the term "bad teacher" it's when my plantation shutters are closed and a lotion bottle is next to my keyboard.

BubbleGrunge 18

I'm on my second second atempt at Biology, and it's super hard. I asked my teacher for help and she told me if I didn't get it the first time, I wasn't smart enough and would never get it. Self righteous bitch.

pandainspandex 19

If I were you, I would absolutely make a complaint. Teachers like that should not be teachers, and can cause irreparable psychological harm to their students by saying things like that.

My response would have been..."Or here's a thought...maybe I just got stuck with a douche bag professor who thinks their butt doesn't stink like everyone else's! You know what they say about teachers--those that can't do teach!". Of course, I don't really feel that way because I think teachers are vital but I would have aimed for saying something that a) couldn't get my expelled (bc I had a friend that happened to) and b) would make her mouth drop! Good luck and take it over her head! Also, go visit the science/math labs. They'll help! Maybe they aren't teaching you the way you learn!!

Something tells me you were stuck on question one... "Name:____________"

Biology is super easy. Super easy! I'd have lost my patience with you too.

littlemsweirdo 12

Then why the hell is she a teacher? Report her ass! I guess in college the teacher expects you to know things just by long boring lectures.

Intro to bio is mind numbingly easy. OP should just drop out at that point.