By fatty - 23/01/2010 21:44 - United States

Today, I asked my friend who is a fashion major why she didn't want to use me as a model for her senior project. She said my boobs were too big. I doubt it'd have been an issue if I were a girl. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 687
You deserved it 8 199

Same thing different taste

Top comments


18- clearly you know nothing about modeling it's called plus size modeling AND there are more pretty/hot bigger girl/guys then hot/pretty skinny people. lol . i'm 130 pounds and I'm 16 I'm not fat I'm Normal . and i'm pretty (: so why don't everyone just leave him alone like really , do u go up to ppl in the streets with moobs and say "eww ur fat an nasty" no don't think so , that's how u get ur ass beat .

@Miss_Me: god, brainwashed much? @op: better get a mansiere!

Mike03_fml 0

she is just jealous ;) sucks for you though =/

Soybean254 0

I think it's funny how most of these comments make fun of the OP but in actuality most of you guys are really fat good job for trying to make yourself feel better by insulting others

boatkicker 4

Why are people getting so touchy about this subject? The fashion industry *clearly* established that in order to be a runway model you had to be tall and thin. It has nothing to do with the model, it's purely for the purpose of displaying the clothing. I just find it odd that after years of this kind of debate going on and nothing changing people are still getting defensive. Just live with it. Besides, I'm guessing that plenty of people here wouldn't be able to model because they aren't tall enough. You have to be at least 5"8 and I don't know many women that height.

popcorncomics 0

What the hell? Why is this guy getting more FYI's than YDI's? If it was another FML about some fat chick, you know everyone would be hitting the damn YDI button.

X0WestyX0 0

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA OG MY GOD! sorry but thats really funny! XD

child_of_zeus 0

omg, that sucks. poor boob man.