By boostedsaab - 05/02/2010 05:35 - France

Today, I asked my girlfriend why she can't treat me like the way I treat her. She said, "because you love me more than I love you." FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 718
You deserved it 4 485

Same thing different taste

Top comments


I really wonder how different the replies will be if the roles were switched.

frydfish 0

kick the bitch to the curb or else it becomes your fault you put up with it.

luckyfrog9595 0
sarcdude 3

That blows. You could try toning down your love since she doesn't reciprocate as much, or you could swallow a bitter pill and leave her. Think about if you really want to be with someone who doesn't love you as much as you love them. Better yet, think of if she really wants to be with you.

wow what a dick (yes she's a total dick for that) dump her please!!!!!

PurpleSquirrel 0

this is the same with me, except I treat my boyfriend better than he treats me.