By meh - 26/05/2015 05:09 - Australia - Brisbane

Today, I asked my landlady if she could fix the air conditioner that's been broken since I moved in. Instead, she came round and took away my bathroom mirror, along with all the toilet paper. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 599
You deserved it 2 255

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I can imagine the conversation- "Hey my apartment sucks. Can you fix it?" "Nahhh, imma make it worse."



Hey, I moderated this one too. FYL, OP. Finding a new place to live should be on your top list of priorities.

>:( Sounds like my old apartment complex. Refused to fix a broken a/c the entire year long lease in 110 degree Scottsdale, luckily they never stole from me though.

RockstarJAy 16

Scottsdale is a pretty fancy place, though. But any way you make it, that's still mean.

Classic misunderstanding. Once, a neighbor asked me to water his plants while he was on vacation, and I burned his house down. Happens to the best of us !

I would be taking her to court...for theft, taking the mirror, and failing to fix things

Check with the Tenancy Authority. With repairs, you have the right to fix things yourself and take those costs off the rent. As for the stolen property, have a chat with the cops and see what advice they give you. But the cost of a mirror and the toilet paper should also come off any future rent of yours. And look for a new place to live. She might be going through your underwear drawer when you're not home....

In Australia each state has slightly different law regarding renting however I'm pretty sure you'll find that it's illegal to do what she did. Assuming the toilet paper wasn't supplied with the property: that's theft; with regards to the bathroom mirror, seeing as you rented the property with that fixture in place, you have an expectation as to its proper maintenance and presence. Time to have a chat with your land agent.

Picture this. The OP's landlady comes in to assess his air conditioner for repair or replacement then gets a severe case of the ***** so out of desperation she uses OP's toilet but runs out of paper and in her desperate search for a new roll, trips and break the mirror so she cleans up after herself and intends to replace the mirror but hasn't told OP about her mishap yet due to embarrassment.

I would start looking for a new apartment complex and then give them the 30 day notice because that's some disrespectful shady shit and no one should be treated that way

That is really messed up but I would start looking for another apartment complex or town home but no landlord should ever treat their renters that way but just give them the 30 day notice because they seem to be the type to go after anyone for anything f*** that s*** lol

Did you do anything that would get her in trouble/fired?