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By Anonymous - 30/09/2011 15:12 - Canada

Today, my roommate was packing up her kitchen stuff as she prepared to move out. Apparently that included the majority of things I bought last week to replace all of her stuff she is taking. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 406
You deserved it 3 015

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Weetart 8

Take it all back and let her know you were the one who bought it. If she wants proof she her your receipts.

And you're not saying anything about it? You realize she can't take your property, its te equivalent of theft.


Weetart 8

Take it all back and let her know you were the one who bought it. If she wants proof she her your receipts.

Forreal. That's just straight up rude.

Bitch is jealous of all your new kitchen accouterments.

13FTW 9
enonymous 8

This is why all my Kitchen stuff is superglued or nailed down in my apartment.

tylersign 11

Are you the roomate with the gun...? Yes? Then now we know the story behind that FML.

Hehe. Steal her underwear. That'll show her.

maybe this is the roommate who bought that gun. if so id let her have everything. o.O

chickenwalrus 14

why is everyone messing up the word show

chickenwalrus 14

why is everyone messing up the word show

chickenwalrus 14

why is everyone messing up the word show

If you let her take all of your stuff, then she will need a new doormat too.

I dunno... I think YDI for putting everything in the kitchen early. Should do that AFTER she packs it.

tjv3 10

well don't let her, and YDI if you do let her

schaflava 0

And you're not saying anything about it? You realize she can't take your property, its te equivalent of theft.

you should take some of her new stuff and see if she notices.

I doubt she has any hence her talking OP's stuff.

Caitlin72 5

@ 27 Watch HER mouth? Did you even look at what you wrote on your own profile? (Yes, I creeped.)

27, you're the same ******* age as she is. holy shit, some people.

cudi504 4

Stand up for yourself dont let her walk all over you

Rico_Mal1116 0

Yeah! Unpack all her stuff and maker her do it again!!

seriously!!! if she walks out with your stuff you deserve it for not having a backbone!

ahoytheredank 0
cptmorgan6 8
Fay303 5

Not gonna lie I laughed my ass off at that ;)

arrowshockey18 2

YEAH VIOLENCE IS ALWAYS THE ANSWER! Or maybe they can talk it over, but that would be a silly idea.

Violence is NEVER the answer. Violence is the question. The answer is yes.

NoNotTheFace 8

Is she a violent roommate with a new shotgun? Or are you afraid that if you anger her she might stab you? If not, punch that bitch in the face and bitchslap her boobs.

No shotgun, but she picks up her new bolt-action rifle on Wednesday.

Unless she buys one of my uncles gun first and take that roomate out. Only 50% off...

winnn_fml 0

15 good advice hahaha I laughed out loud