By Pseudo - 21/06/2016 05:33 - France - Vitry-le-fran?ois

Today, I asked my little cousin if he had a girlfriend if he had a girlfriend. “Yes,“ he said. “Two, but I’m going to keep the one with the biggest boobs.“ He’s 7. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 322
You deserved it 1 545

Same thing different taste

Top comments

stangbang92 17

I to ask people a question twice before I let them answer.


sou did you ask him who his waifus are?

He may be 7, but who said his gfs are the same age?

When i was 7 i was obsessed with harry potter, not boobs

Mathalamus 24

Your childhood was awesome.

screweverythin 16

Steve Irwin style show: here we see the early stages of development in the wild douchebag boyfriend. As the cub develops, it will learn the habits of the douchebag boyfriend, such as seeing multiple people at once and calling them all "Side ho" in his contacts.

I love how a large portion of comments are devoted because they don't realise how much of a personality-less fuckboi this kid is XD

Tsumetai_ 11

OP he's 7 so why are you even asking if he has a girlfriend in the first place? that is so odd. it's messed up that the kid is dating and has a douchy attitude towards girls, but I wouldn't even think to ask kids that young if they've got a girlfriend. they shouldn't be interested in girls at that age. it's so weird. kid i babysit is 7 and he's just rides his bike and plays at the park.

It's funny because kids that she still have cooties and they get all grossed out at the prospect of having a fb/gf. I ask my 7 year old nephew and my 4 year old Neice because it's fun to ask.

Not sure why it's an FML for you. More like an FML for the one with smaller boobs. Haha