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By Anonymous - 04/05/2009 16:51 - United States

Today, I asked my mom if she thought I was straight. She looked at me and said, "Well, that's really up to you honey. But your father and I would still love you." I was asking if she thought I had parked straight. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 056
You deserved it 12 711

Same thing different taste

Top comments

blkwhtrbbt 0

decision? you honestly think there is a choice involved? That's like choosing whether or not to have vision. Or hearing. there is no choice involved. Research says that's more true for guys than for girls though.


alex_vik 0

Damn, that sucks. You'd think she could figure out it was your park job.

If this is your biggest probolem, you really have nothing to worry about and your life is not f**ked. You should feel lucky to have such loving and supportive parents.

It's not like they even accused you of being gay. Jeez, I wish I had parents that would love me if I told them I was gay. **** MY life.

annams 0

i think you all are taking this way too seriously....

god, i hate these posts! :| they annoy the **** out of me

Because it's awkward as hell. Your mom loves you even if you suck at parallel parking...

karissaaa 0

you kinda asked it weird..

thats supportive if anything. there was an FML about a dad who hadnt talked to his child in years. they LOVE you, retard

be_happy1 0

this doesn't mean your life is should be happy because of what she said.