By BornToBeABurden - 09/01/2014 16:01 - United Kingdom - London

Today, I asked my mum when she gets the urge to smoke. The answer I was looking for was "after I eat" or maybe even "when I'm tired". What I got was "every second since you were born". FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 643
You deserved it 5 688

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What's with the string of nasty parents we've been getting? If you don't want kids, don't have them!

Sorry OP. Maybe she stopped for her pregnancy and craved it immediately after. Or is lamenting the way her body changed.


she shouldnt have gotten pregnant then! what a bitch to blame you for being born.

JMichael 25

Hopefully she was joking OP. I asked my mom once what was the best thing that happened to her. She said the day I moved out of her house. Of course she was joking.

Nolimit2217 32

I know that feeling.. . The urge to smoke due to having kids never ceases

In my experience, some smokers (or just people in general) seem to get irritated, or insulted quickly when you question them on their bad habit, or if you keep pointing out their flaws. Therefore, despite that OP's question may have been spurred purely out of curiosity, and not as a means to set up for some degrading speech on her willingness to continue smoking regardless that it clearly a bad decision, she could have taken it that way and automatically responded with something insulting in return. I mean, we don't have the entire picture, it could be exactly as it appears and she sincerely meant what she said, but the scenario could have played out like this instead. at least that's what if looks like to me anyway.

No wonder that smokers get irritated. I don't know how many times I have heard people ask other people 'so why are you smoking' and 'why don't you stop?'. I wonder how these people would react if you would say everytime they drink alcohol "Why do you drink? Don't you know that one glass kills thousands of brain connections? Or do you just like it when your liver works overtime?" I don't think OP's mother is bad. A lot of smokers smoke because they have stress. And children are stressful.

I'm with you.. I smoke (no kids thank goodness) and when people tell me it's bad for me and I should quit, I just tell them not minding their own damn business is bad for them and they should quit. Win, win, no?

vencku 13

You can smoke as much as you want in your own home, as far as I care. But I don't want my allergy to kick up because of your smoke when you go out in public. If someone drinks alcohol, his liver and brain are affected. Not yours. When you smoke, you affect the people around you. That's the problem.

Well, your right to smoke ends where my nostrils begin. If someone is drinking in front of me, it doesn't affect me. If someone is eating something disgustingly unhealthy, it doesn't affect me much (although I find the smells of certain foods repulsive). But if you're smoking in my general vicinity, it's going to affect my ability to breathe. And second-hand smoke does harm others.

Tell her to take that giant stick, that's making her cranky, out of her ass.

It's ok, my dad told me he was gonna have to get on some pills for his nerves because I made his anxiety really bad and smoking just wouldn't cut it anymore.

Tell him there's something else he can smoke that will take care of his anxiety. :D

Damn OP, that's a punch in the face. Though, nicotine addicts are usually hostile like that. Deep down she loves you but the drug is clouding up her mind.

vencku 13

This surprises you? Smoking harms smoker ànd the people around. Of course non-smokers are concerned for their health. Is causing damage to other people not hostile? Or does the damage not count because it's not instantly visible like a bruise? Hitting someone is wrong, clogging up their lungs isn't?

The very next cig immediately changes the lung tissue of everyone who inhales it. The change is NOT for the better.

I'm sorry OP. That's an incredibly nasty thing to say to your child. I hope she was just teasing you and she apologizes.