By smokedetector - 01/11/2009 02:20 - United States
smokedetector tells us more.
i got in a car accident the night before, which is why i was at home on halloween. i broke my wrist, my big toe, and my brand new 3gs iphone. then, i found out my boyfriend was cheating on me. im back in the hospital, suffering from severe back injuries and a broken heart but guess what?? all that wouldnt fit in my fml post, so i kept it as simple as i could.
Top comments
You have no idea how hungry I am.
Hahahaha!!! This is my favorite comment now!
Lol at your username. You're not fat :)
THIS is my favorite comment on FML
You totally deserved it, L2Check
If I smelled smoke, saw it, AND the alarms were on, I think it'd be better to get out FIRST and ask questions later.
Please learn the mechanism of a SMOKE detector. Seeing smoke, smelling it, and the alarm going off are just 3 ways of identifying that there is a source of smoke - it in no way indicates the presence of fire. OP - you thoroughly deserve it.
Haven't you ever heard the expression "where there's smoke there's fire"? Why a vacuum cleaner set off the smoke detector, I have no idea. But I do know that you need to get some brains. I agree with #3. If the smoke detector goes off, the first thing I'd wanna do is get the f*** out of there.
The only thing that OP seemed to fail to do is to check the door with the back of her hand, which they teach you as a kid. But the OP definitely did the right thing. Smoke detectors aren't 100%, especially if the batteries are old. If you see and smell smoke, you gtfo.
let the smart ass be a smart ass and die in a fire. let the rest of us escape well.
The fire alarm didn't go off though
To be wary of your belongings at a time like THAT (provided there WAS an actual fire), is.... wow.
Would have been more of a FML if you had broken a leg or legs jumping from the second floor.
That could be the same thing, you know. I wouldn't put it past a cheap vacuum cleaner to break down and start a fire. I've seen it happen before.
You did the right thing.
Well you're pretty silly aren't you? YDI for assuming.
uuuhm, well, im confused, 'cause how did you SEE smoke, if there was only a vacuum? 'cause i know MY vacuum, does not smoke while i use it.
Obviously this wasn't a very good vacuum, genius.
Why was your roommate out in the hallway vacuuming. you live in a dorm you saw smoke coming under the door? yds
she wasnt in the hallway, i live in a suite and we have a huge carpet/rug that covers our living room floor that she was vacuuming

Seeing and smelling smoke is not a reason to jump from the second floor. You should remain near the floor with the door closed until the firemen arrive. If they don't arrive, and the fire is in your room, then its okay to jump. Before then, its just stupid
You have no idea how hungry I am.