By justmyluck? - 18/02/2011 03:02

Today, I ate at Chipotle. There was a girl sitting alone, so I asked if I could eat lunch with her. She said yes, and as I sat down I tried to open my bag of chips. When trying to do so, my hand slipped, and I punched myself in the face. She laughed, and promptly left. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 097
You deserved it 7 788

Same thing different taste

Top comments

owned no but really that was mean of her

Not to bad, at least you didn't get shut down right away... or punch her in the face.


mizzflory 5

does this mean you were left with her bill ? lol that would suck

lol, I remember when I goofed/****** up at a movie theatre while these 2 hot chicks were working the cashier, but hey I made them laugh while looking like a complete idiot. Pretty sure they remember me, n theres never any need for 2 ppl to work one cashier plus when I left the other chick went to a different cashier so maybe they were inta meh. Anyway good luck with the flaming diarhea (sp?).

cptmorgan15 2

trust me dude, they weren't into you

alwaysandforever_fml_fml 0

Chipotle sucks. They charge extra for guacamole and salsa. Those should always be free.

atomicbaboon 0

don't the chips come in a paper bag that is just rolled up at the top?

Im guessing you dont have much in the way of hand-eye coordination lol. Better luck next time

meeba 2

not the first time happened to someone... ok no girls were there, but still