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By justmyluck? - 18/02/2011 03:02

Today, I ate at Chipotle. There was a girl sitting alone, so I asked if I could eat lunch with her. She said yes, and as I sat down I tried to open my bag of chips. When trying to do so, my hand slipped, and I punched myself in the face. She laughed, and promptly left. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 102
You deserved it 7 790

Same thing different taste

Top comments

owned no but really that was mean of her

Not to bad, at least you didn't get shut down right away... or punch her in the face.


owned no but really that was mean of her

Hahaha stop hitting yourself comes to mind!

Hahaha stop hitting yourself comes to mind!

Hahaha stop hitting yourself comes to mind!

Surfer7456 7

Don't really see how that was mean of her. I would have laughed my ass off if someone did that in front of me. Also, not sure why you left op-that's just one way to get a conversation going :-p lol

Surfer7456 7

well nvm-she was the one that left lol

this is just the beginning of your string of bad luck that will eventually lead to your untimely death. first its punching your self, next its being impaled analy by a 100 inch *****.

^ Sounds like a personal fantasy of yours.

Not to bad, at least you didn't get shut down right away... or punch her in the face.

Blackmail111 9

looks like it's tome for some *puts on sunglasses* hand eye coordination

Yeah, she left because of the food he was eating, you stiupod pendejo

mizzflory 5

fail for trying to be Spanish n not knowing how to spell

damselchelle 4

trying to be Spanish? don't be absurd. Spanish folks can't spell. he succeeded.

sovetskiy 8

Only a dummy would trade a golden ticket for something as common as money...are you a dummy?

YDI for eating at Chipotle. Enjoy your firehole.

randy7027 0

The bathroom trip the next day is what's wrong with it. God damn that place.

#7 I've never had it before, but I've heard it hurts a lot while "coming out" and will possibly give you diarrhea, maybe ever cause you to bleed(?). Luckily for OP, there's chipotleaway for his underwear, so he can continue on eating it,

krazy_glu3 0

everyone tells me the chipotle gives them the *****. haha. I've never been though sooo can't say it's true. not gunna find out either!!!

carcinogan 0

it never gives me the ***** man you guys have some bad chipotle lmao

lalagirl912 0

these comments reminded me of a southpark episode

lolitaababy 0

What's wrong with dogs? The ladies love little dogs. Oh wait... you've probably never gotten laid before, my bad

9 I am afraid you are mistaken it is not facepalm its facefist tyvm -.- lol

She probably thought you're an abusive tool.

In that case, she'll be back. No one can resist the charismatic Tyler Durden.

IHeartJimi02 0

chipotle...... Shhh the goodness of home.

FYLDeep 25

She must not having been looking for a masochist.