By drkate25 - 18/12/2012 22:02 - United States - Enfield

Today, I ate brunch at my in-laws. The food all tasted off to me so I didn't eat much, telling my mother-in-law I was watching my weight. Later on, while out doing a bit of shopping, I stopped at a red light. Guess who pulled up next to me while I was scarfing a fast food burger. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 863
You deserved it 30 572

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Scarf away not your fault they don't know how to cook.

Sir_ND_Pity 35

Just tell them you ARE watching your weight... Go up!


Just tell her you cheated on your weight watching lol

I accidentally read this as "Today, I ate a bunch of my in-laws." Didn't seem so absurd as I kept reading.

DeadxManxWalking 27

Thanks for your comments guys! This was my latest excuse for not eating much at their house (I had a big lunch, I've got a headache that's affecting my appetite, etc). His parents are sweet as can be but I'm not a fan of his mom's cooking! Everyone else enjoys it and so I don't feel bad with using white lies to avoid it, didn't want to hurt her feelings.

Kallian_fml 21

Everyone else enjoys it? If you mean her family, maybe it's just what they're used to? I don't enjoy my mothers cooking, but I can eat it because it's what I was raised on.

leahmae88 7

I can relate with you, I've been in this situation a few times and didn't want to hurt anyone's feeling either. It's just bad luck that she saw you lol I'm sure that if you don't act guilty she'll just think you had a diet slip :)

perdix 29

Did anyone get sick from it? I know whenever I've eaten food that tastes "off," I've paid dearly for it within 4 to 24 hours.

Maybe you should tell your spouse that you really don't like his/her mom's cooking and that's why you don't eat it. And eat BEFORE you go.

I had total guilty-face when I realized it was her. I was munching away chewing and listening to the radio when I looked over and she was staring me down. I gave a nervous wave and thankfully the light turned green. I'm sure I'll hear about it next time we go for a visit!

if you've had food poisoning or something similar before and something doesnt quite taste right, why would you wanna risk it again when you know you don't have to? FYL op

perdix 29

Most diets have a "cheat meal" or a "cheat day" to be a safety valve from binging after long-term depravation. Of course, the concept of consecutive "cheat weeks" is a failing one. Don't try that!

perdix 29

"and the food just ain't no good? The macaroni's soggy and the peas are mushy, and the chicken tastes like wood."

"Rappers Delight" (flashback) I said, a hip hop the hippie the hippie To the hip hip hop, a you don't stop The rock it to the bang, bang boogie Say up jumped the boogie To the rhythm of the boogie, the beat ***Reminds me of that real old lady rapping in the "Wedding Singer"

perdix 29

Hotel, motel, Holiday Inn If your girl starts acting up, then you take her frien'

KingCeltic77 18

You should've just said you weren't feeling well.