By Anonymous - 07/12/2010 11:12 - Switzerland

Today, I ate lunch alone. None of my colleagues saved me a seat. One of those colleagues was my husband. He didn't even have the decency to move so that I wouldn't have to eat alone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 967
You deserved it 4 612

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Michigan_Girl 0

When you go to sleep tonight, take up the whole bed and tell him there's no room.


what the he'll kind of lame ass did you marry? are you dumb? stop whining. you chose him!

get your own goddam friends an then you wouldn't have to eat alone!

I guess he's sleeping on the couch tonight?

catscratched 0

oh nose people got a seat before you at a table and your husband wanted to sit with his friends that bitch!

Quit whining!! I had to sit by myself for a whole school year while the popular kids watched me and they though I was a freak or something.

PrettyBoissuckba 0