By Anonymous - 02/01/2014 20:36 - United Kingdom - Dunfermline

Today, I ate some amazing homemade brownies that my best friend's wife made for us. She waited till I'd shoved a third one into my mouth before she mentioned she made them with breast milk. Knowing her, I don't even doubt it was true. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 283
You deserved it 5 066

Same thing different taste

Top comments

crazytwinsmom 25

When I started reading this, I was expecting pot brownies not boob brownies.

But I'm not even related to these cows! *spits out milk*


If you had enough suspicions of the individual to halfway not be surprised when you found that out, I would have passed on the brownies in the first place...

hazardmuffin 21

You apparently wouldn't have noticed if she hadn't said something, so what's the big deal? If baby cow food is okay to consume, baby human food ought to be okay too, right?

We're they better than normal brownies???

uhnevermind 24

I'm genuinely surprised at how many people think this is alright. He was tricked into ingesting someone else's bodily fluids! That's not something that should be acceptable, yet people are defending it saying it's "healthy", and that it's "not a problem". FYL, OP.

I do not know. The world is a messed up place and everyone has a fetiche. They say frog legs taste like chicken but you wouldn't want someone to pass it of as pieces of chicken in you rice and then reveal the truth. No matter how good it tastes, you don't make shit like that.

Xquisite1 28

Exactly. Some people are too stupid to realize what the problem is. HIV can be transmitted through breat milk, but apparently many are too ignorant in here to realize this FACT.

Someone else's body fluid? As opposed to a cow body fluid? So it's gross when it's coming from the same specie as you but ok from when it's coming from another specie? How stupid and hypocrite.

MyGonads 1

Hey, it's healthy and you apparently like them.

Bex628 20

Heaven forbid you ingest milk created by a human for a baby human. It's not like you're a human or anything. *rolls eyes* Personally, I wish I were brave enough to try my own breast milk.

Heaven forbid you ingest milk created by a human for a baby human. It's not like you're human or anything. Oh wait, except you won't even ingest your own. So why is it okay this guy ingested someone else's without knowing first?

Bex628 20

I've contemplated doing it. It's the social norms that have built that fear. Although I must say, you've given me a reason to try it.

You should cum in a mixing bowl then use it to make cookies. Give them all to her

Cum is quite different from breast milk. Considering one is designed for human consumption and is really healthy, the other one is often consumed during sexual acts. interesting how many people are up in arms about it being put in without his knowledge, do you all read every label on the food you consume and know what each and every ingredient is? at least it's something healthy rather than what could be snuck in.

I don't see why you're complaining, you said that they were yummy. They say that there are bug legs in chocolate bars, but do I stop eating them? No.

sourgirl101 28

I'm curious, since so many people don't see a problem with this-- How many of you would be willing to let "your own child" get nursed by another mother, without getting a clean bill of health screening? Still think "Hey, it's healthy"?