By Anonymous - 02/01/2014 20:36 - United Kingdom - Dunfermline

Today, I ate some amazing homemade brownies that my best friend's wife made for us. She waited till I'd shoved a third one into my mouth before she mentioned she made them with breast milk. Knowing her, I don't even doubt it was true. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 283
You deserved it 5 066

Same thing different taste

Top comments

crazytwinsmom 25

When I started reading this, I was expecting pot brownies not boob brownies.

But I'm not even related to these cows! *spits out milk*


What a creative cook! She ran out of regular milk and realized she had a substitute right at her fingertits ;)

Don't get the big deal..breast milk is's really sweet...

Culpion 3

Well clearly you didn't taste any difference so why does it matter? Human babies drink it. And I doubt that cow's milk from a grocery store is cleaner than breast milk, unless you are purchasing milk directly from an organic farmer that has free-range cows that are grass-fed. Plus you have to think about how much of it was cooked away/altered in a 350+ oven.

The milk you buy at a grocery store is much safer/ cleaner than unpasteurized milk. Unpasteurized milk carries bacteria that can make you ill and possibly kill you. What I am trying to preach, don't buy raw milk!

Ins0mau 20

83 - pasteurisation is just "heat treated". I'm sure the oven those brownies was in was hot enough.

145-- sorry, my rambling was unclear. Unpasteurized cow milk is very unsafe, it can contain Salmonella, Listeria, and E. coli. You will not have to worry about that from unpasteurized breast milk.

Well, if it was only the three of you there, then it might be a hint to something more advanced. if you know what I mean!

That's when you look her dead in the eye and slide another brownie into your mouth very slowly.

The problem is that he should have been able to make an informed choice, the milk was unpasturised and may have contained any number of communicable diseases. I agree that breast milk is healthy and full of nutrients; however he should be informed and make the choice if he wants to consume someone else's bodily fluids.

Ins0mau 20

Pasteurisation is heat treatment. Those brownies were in a oven...

I never gotten the repulsion with breast milk. I mean you are happy to drink the milk of a completely different species. But the one intended for humans disgust you? Sorry It really does not make sense to me!

Well, the vast majority of people will happily eat meat from another species, but not from their own. Technically if a person was to donate their body to you after death there would be no moral implications but I bet people would still have an issue with it.

It's always better if it involves boobs.

Next time ask for it straight from the container