By Well, crap - 18/06/2013 15:02 - Denmark - Kongerslev

Today, I attempted to ask a girl out by doing a flash mob and singing for her in the store where she works. Turns out, she suffers from anxiety and the overwhelming amount of attention caused a panic attack. No, I didn't get a date. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 354
You deserved it 22 314

Same thing different taste

Top comments

debbster7 18

Why go all out when something as simple as you saying "will you go out with me?" would work? Save that shit for marriage proposals.

Well, maybe try to tone down the extravagant gestures towards people you don't know very well yet? I hope she appreciated the effort, though....


Thats way over the top. I would have been horrified. ydi

wrenavery90 12

Good grief. Why would you do that?