By grandson of a p.o.s. - 14/03/2013 22:04 - United States - Somers

Today, I attended the reading of my grandfather's will. I didn't expect to receive anything, since his side of the family had always ostracized me for being born out of wedlock. I did get something: $3,500, on the binding condition that I use a portion of it to get a vasectomy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 158
You deserved it 2 983

Same thing different taste

Top comments

CammyGal 26

Yeah, because you had total control over how and when you were born, right?


cmb8280 24

That's so mean. That was never your fault, those people are disgusting for taking that out of you. **** them.

Does it specifically say it has to pay for YOUR vasectomy, or just A vasectomy? If he didn't word it right, you can just donate a portion for somebody else's vasectomy. Find a family planning charity in some country where surgery is super cheap and send them a check.

Neyuu 18

Loophole found by satan himself.

How about take the money and get a vasectomy like way the hell down the road when it doesn't matter?

Maybe he had a strange sense of humor, at least he didn't say for you to cut the whole shebang off. So if there's a bright side there it is.

How can they tell if you got the procedure? I'd just lie to them.

Reality_bites 14

I'm wondering who gets the money if he refuses to get one - I mean if it reverts to his parents, then he can refuse, it goes to them and they give it to him. He ends up with the money and doesn't need to spend ANY of it on the vasectomy. That way he will end up with the full 3500 and not have to have an operation.

Grandpa probably wasn't on much better terms with OP's parents if he's making this big a deal about him being out-of-wedlock. I know I wouldn't have much to do with someone who ostracized my kid for something dumb like that.

Don't do it, OP. The money isn't worth the physical and mental suffering you'll be putting yourself through. Whether you want to have kids or don't, that's YOUR choice and not anyone else to make. Also, your grandfather's family are idiots for thinking it's your fault and that you 'chose' to be born out of wedlock. Stay away from them.