By lilipalmer - 13/02/2015 06:44 - France

Today, I awoke after 4 hours of surgery. The male nurse taking care of me is cute, very cute. I'm trying my best to seem fine and dandy when he tells me that I can't eat anything before my next poop, adding, "And don't flush it, OK? I need to check." FML
I agree, your life sucks 523
You deserved it 56

Top comments

He's a nurse, and it's professional. Medical staff are used to so many bodily functions that this isn't something to be embarrassed about.


I would probably feel mortified, but logically I know that it isn't a big deal. Doctor's are completely used to it :)

Least it gets everything out in the open?

Ha ha, oh no! But I'm sure he's seen worse.

he's a nurse. you are in the hospital. dont be ridiculous.